Surrogate Model Training
A Surrogate Model Training study step is intended for training a deep neural network and creating a surrogate model that can replace a full finite-element model.
Syntax, "SurrogateModelTraining");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available:
new | name of existing table
Surrogate evaluations for optimization, when gpadpoptmethod is set to montecarlo.
recompute | append
Compute and build surrogate model (recompute), or improve and build it (append).
minimal | normal | detailed
se | matern32 | matern52 | nn
Type of covariance function to use when surrogatemodel is set to gp. Use se for Squared exponential, matern32 for Matérn 3/2, matern52 for Matérn 5/2 and nn for Single-layer neural network.
global | all
immediate | later
new | name of existing function
Deep Neural Network function to use, when surrogatemodel is set to gp.
new | name of existing function
Gaussian Process function to use, when surrogatemodel is set to gp.
new | name of existing function
direct | montecarlo
last | all
Maximum number of optimization iterations, when gpadpoptmethod is set to direct.
const | linear | quadratic
none or name of table group
The output table group, when surrogatemodel is set to none.
auto | manual
Maximum polynomial degree, when pcesettings is set to manual.
auto | first | last | sum | min | max
Q norm, when pcesettings is set to manual.
Initial random seed, is useseed is set to manual.
none | gp | pce | dnn
automatic | manual | currenttime