Cluster Computing
Use the Cluster Computing study step when you want to submit COMSOL Multiphysics batch jobs to a job scheduler that in turn runs the batch job on a second computer or cluster.
Syntax, "ClusterComputing");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
on | off
general | whpc2008 | sge | slurm | pbs | lsf | none
on | off
The scheduler for the batch job, if clustertype is whpc2008, slurm, or pbs, or lsf.
The name for the cluster queue, if clustertype is sge, slurm, pbs, or lsf.
on | off
on | off
User account for submitting the job if clustertype is whpc2008, slurm, pbs, or lsf.
on | off
File for commands when remotecmd is file.
none | scp | file | user
on | off
none | ssh | file | mpi | user
native | windows | linux
ssh | putty | user
on | off