Combine two solutions using concatenation or summing of solutions or by removing solutions.
This feature combines solutions by concatenation or summation. The concatenation can, for example, take two time-dependent solutions solver over different time spans and combine them into a single time-dependent solution including all times from both solutions. You can also remove solutions. Stationary solutions are not possible to use. The following properties are accepted:
current | any available solution
The solution to sum, when soloper is set to summation.
current | any available solution
The first solution to concatenate, when soloper is set to concatenation.
current | any available solution
The second solution to sum, when soloper is set to concatenation.
current | any available solution
explicit | implicit
explicit | implicit
explicit | implicit
true | false
current | any available solution
The solution to remove from, when soloper is set to remsol.
all | from_list | manual
Selection of solutions to exclude or include, when soloper is set to remsol: All, from listsolnum, or from manualsolnum.
concatenation | summation | wgtsum | gensum | remsol
oneexpr | listexpr
When weightsmethod is set to listexpr, use setIndex with the properties wsolnum. weightlistexpr, and weightlistexpractive to specify the index (solution number), lists of weights, and active flags, respectively, for the case with a list of weights for a weighted summation.