Create a feature containing a table of data.
model.result().table().create(<ftag>,"Table") creates a table feature named <ftag>. Tables support two data formats, all or filled. Filled data is typically produced from parametric sweeps and makes it possible to retrieve data for a pair of parameters on a matrix format. Filled tables can be used to make response surface plots. (See TableSurface.)
model.result().table(<ftag>).setColumnHeaders(<headers>) sets the table’s column headers from the string array <headers>.
model.result().table(<ftag>).setTableData(<realData>) sets the table content from a double matrix containing real data. Any previous real or imaginary data is removed.
model.result().table(<ftag>).setTableData(<realData>,<imagData>) sets both real and imaginary data from the double matrices <realData> and <imagData>, which must be of the same size. <imagData> can be null to indicate that there is no imaginary data.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getColumnHeaders() retrieves the column headers.
model.result().table(<ftag>).addColumns(<headers>,<realData>) adds one or more columns and associated real data to the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).addColumns(<headers>,<realData>,<imagData>) adds one or more columns and associated real data and imaginary data to the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).addRow(<realData>) adds one row of real data to the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).addRow(<realData>,<imagData>) adds one row of real and imaginary data to the table.
Similarly model.result().table(<ftag>).addRows(<realData>) and model.result().table(<ftag>).addRows(<realData>,<imagData>) add multiple rows of real or real and imaginary data to the table, and model.result().table(<ftag>).addRows(<realData>,<warnings>) and model.result().table(<ftag>).addRows(<realData>,<imagData>,<warnings>) add multiple rows of real or real and imaginary data as well as Boolean warnings to the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).removeRow(<index>) removes the row with a given index from the table. If the row index is out of bounds, nothing happens.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getColumnHeaders() returns the column headers in the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getReal() returns the real part of the table content.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getImag() returns the imaginary part of the table content. Note: this method allocates imaginary data if there was none. Check for imaginary content with the isComplex method before calling this method if you want to avoid this.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getRealRow(<index>) returns the real data in one row.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getImagRow(<index>) returns the imaginary data in one row.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getFilledReal() returns the real part of the table content on a filled format, when available.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getFilledImag() returns the imaginary part of the table content on a filled format, when available.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getTableData(<fullPrecision>) returns the table data as a string matrix, with limited or full precision as specified by the Boolean <fullPrecision>.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getTableRow(<index>,<fullPrecision>) returns the table data for one row as a string array, with limited or full precision.
model.result().table(<ftag>).getNRows() returns the number of rows in the table.
model.result().table(<ftag>).isComplex() returns true if the table contains imaginary data. This method checks whether imaginary data has been allocated, not if it is different from 0.
model.result().table(<ftag>).clearTableData() removes all table data and column headers.
model.result().table(<ftag>).save(<filename>) saves the table <ftag> content to the text file <filename> in full precision.
For model.result().table(<ftag>).loadFile() and model.result().table(<ftag>).saveFile(), see The loadFile and saveFile Methods.
The following properties are available:
For tables with filled data, cols controls which parameter is used on the columns. Cannot be the same parameter as in rows.
For tables with filled data, datacol controls which data column should be used to populate the filled table.
none | data | manual
For tables with filled data, descr controls which description to use for the columns, in addition to the parameter values. none gives no description, manual uses the description in descrmanual, and data uses the description in the table data.
The name of the file on which the table is stored, used when storetable is set to inmodelandonfile or onfile.
on | off
For tables with filled data, filterstringdata controls whether to filter the input column using showrowstep.
all | filled
Controls whether you retrieve all or filled table data when calling the getTableData method.
For tables with filled data containing more than two parameters, param is the index indicating which values to use for fixing additional parameters. Additional parameters are ordered from left to right in the original table data.
For tables with filled data, rows controls which parameter is used on the rows.
When retrieving filled data using the getTableData method, showrowstep controls whether to leave all but every showrowstep input cells empty, for example, every third cell in the first column. This refers to the input column only. Only applied when filterstringdata is on.
inmodel | inmodelandonfile | onfile
Controls whether table is stored in model(inmodel) or on file(onfile), or both(inmodelandonfile).
The size of the in-memory buffer size where the table is stored, used when storetable is set to inmodel or inmodelandonfile. In the second case only the last tablebuffersize rows are kept in the model; the rest is read from file when necessary.
See Also
Table (Plot), TableAnnotation, TableSurface