Spot Diagram
Create a spot diagram plot.
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"SpotDiagram") creates a Spot Diagram plot named <ftag> belonging to the plot group <pgtag>.
A Spot Diagram can be added to a 2D Plot Group but the associated dataset must either be a Ray dataset solved for in a 3D model component, or an Intersection Point 3D dataset.
The following properties are available:
on | off
If on, activates an additional logical expression for including rays in the plot.
release | wavelength | single
on | off
If on, draw a circle at the origin of the spot diagram.
none | parent | dataset name
equalnumber | equalwidth
on | off
If on, filter rays by release feature to determine which rays appear in the plot.
Wavelength of rays to plot if filterwavelengthactive is on.
on | off
If on, filter rays by wavelength to determine which rays appear in the plot.
on | off
If on, move text closer to some spots in the array when the spots have unequal sizes.
automatic | rectangular
rays | area
limits | number | tolerance
directionbased | positionbased | userdefined
on | off
If on, activates the filtering of rays based on number of reflections.
Padding factor for vertical spacing between plots, if arrangement is release or wavelength.
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
on | off
If on, draw a box around each text annotation in the Graphics window. Applies to every type of annotation.
on | off
If on, show a text annotation for the coordinates of the center of each spot.
above | below
local | global
on | off
If on, show a text annotation for the RMS spot size next to every spot.
above | below
automatic | user defined
Transverse direction in the surface if transverse is userdefined.
on | off
If on, show a text annotation for the vacuum wavelength next to every spot.
above | below