Create a function 3D plot to visualize a function of three variables as a slice plot.
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"Function3D") creates a slice plot feature named <ftag> belonging to the 3D plot group <pgtag>.
Function 3D plots display a function of three variables as a colored 3D slice plot.
The following properties are available:
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
colortable | uniform | gradient
on | off
Whether to show color legend, when coloring is set to colortable.
linear | linearsymmetric | logarithmic
The color table to use when coloring is set to colortable. See Color Tables for a list of color tables.
none | reverse | nonlinear | nonlinearsymmetric
Transformation of the color table, when coloring is set to colortable or gradient.
{1,0,0} or last used color
The uniform color to use. Active when bottomcolor is set to custom.
{1,0,0} or last used color
{1,0,0} or last used color
The uniform color to use. Active when topcolor is set to custom.
none | parent | dataset name
The description of the expression in expr. Is used in the automatic title.
on | off
on | off
threepoint | pointnormal
Active when planetype equals general, this property indicates whether the plane should be specified by three points or through one point and a normal.
Number of additional parallel planes. Active when genparaactive equals on and genpara equals number.
gennumber | gendistances
Active when planetype equals general, and genparaactive equals on, this property indicates whether the additional parallel planes should be specify by a number or by a vector of relative distances.
on | off
Active when planetype equals general, this property indicates whether there should be additional parallel planes created.
Active when genmethod equals pointnormal, this property contains the coordinates of the point.
Active when genmethod equals pointnormal, this property contains the normal vector.
Active when genmethod equals threepoint, this property contains the coordinates of the three points, with one row per point.
on | off
Whether to reverse to color table or gradient when coloring is set to colortable or gradient and colortabletrans is set to nonlinear or nonlinearsymmetric.
quick | general
xy | yz | zx
number | coord
Active when planetype equals quick and quickplane equals yz, this property indicates whether the planes should be specified by one or more absolute coordinates along the x-axis, or a number indicating the number of planes to distribute evenly.
The number of planes when quickxmethod is set to number. It can contain a global expression for the number of slices.
number | coord
Active when planetype equals quick and quickplane equals zx, this property indicates whether the planes should be specified by one or more absolute coordinates along the y-axis, or a number indicating the number of planes to distribute evenly.
The number of planes when quickymethod is set to number. It can contain a global expression for the number of slices.
number | coord
Active when planetype equals quick and quickplane equals xy, this property indicates whether the planes should be specified by one or more absolute coordinates along the z-axis, or a number indicating the number of planes to distribute evenly.
The number of planes when quickzmethod is set to number. It can contain a global expression for the number of slices.
on | off
Whether to use the manual color range specified in rangecolormin and rangecolormax. The color range specifies the minimum and maxim value in the plotted colors. Default is the minimum and maximum data values.
on | off
Whether to use the manual data range specified in rangedatamin and rangedatamax. Values outside the data range is not plotted.
The title to use when titletype is manual.
auto | custom | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
on | off
on | off
Filter (Plot Attribute); Transparency
See Also
Slice, Function, Function2D