The Array 2D Integer node (

) declares one or more named 2D integer arrays (matrices) that you can access from form objects and methods. The number of elements in the 2D integer array is not restricted in any way, but you can specify the number of columns. The
Settings window contains the following section.
Specify the name in the Name column, the number of columns in the 2D integer array from the list in the
Number of columns column (use
Undefined if you do not know how many columns the array contains), the initial values in the
Initial values column (see
Array Syntax for the syntax), and the new element value in the
New element value column. The new element value specifies the value that a new element of the 2D integer array gets in certain add operations. You can also add an optional description of the 2D integer array in the
Description column.
Use the Move Up (

Move Down (

Insert Above (

), and
Delete (

) toolbar buttons to organize and remove choices from the list.