Vapor–Liquid-Mixture Interface
Use this feature to account for evaporation or condensation at a vapor–liquid interface. The feature prescribes the vapor pressure as a function of the composition in the liquid and the temperature and pressure at the interface. Local concentration gradients introduced by the vapor pressure results in a transport of species to or from the interface. A vapor pressure higher than the partial pressure in the surrounding domain will result in evaporation of the species in question. Correspondingly, in regions where the vapor pressure is lower than in the surrounding partial pressure, condensation occurs. The mass transfer to or from the vapor domain is accounted for by applying a corresponding fluxes for the species on the liquid side.
The feature can be used on interior boundaries to solve for mass phase transfer due to evaporation or condensation. The resulting mass flow and latent heat of evaporation are defined and announced and available for use in physics interfaces for fluid flow and heat transfer. The Vapor–Liquid-Mixture Interface feature solves for the mass transfer to or from a gas phase as well as the composition changes in the adjacent liquid. When the liquid phase contains a single species it is more efficient to use the Vapor–Liquid Interface feature.
To solve for the motion of the vapor–liquid interface, resulting from the phase transfer, use a fluid flow physics interface including a Fluid-Fluid Interface feature (described in the CFD Module User’s Guide). When solving for heat transfer apply the latent heat of evaporation using a Boundary Heat Source feature (described in the Heat Transfer Module User’s Guide).
boundary selection
Select the interior boundaries that represent an interface separating a vapor and liquid phase domain.
vapor equilibrium
Use this section to select how the equilibrium vapor pressure is defined. The vapor pressure is applied on the vapor side of the interface and drives the condensation or evaporation.
Vapor pressure
In the Vapor property list, select Vapor pressure to prescribe the corresponding quantity at the vapor–liquid interface. It is also possible to instead prescribe the vapor phase Mass Fraction.
The composition in the liquid phase is controlled from the Liquid list:
Use Water to model condensation or evaporation to or from a liquid water domain. In this case predefined expressions for the saturated vapor pressure and heat of evaporation are used.
Thermochemistry coupling can be selected in models that contains a Thermodynamic System coupled to a Chemistry interface. In this case all thermodynamic properties needed at the interface (vapor pressure or fugacity, heat of evaporation, liquid phase density) are automatically added to the Thermodynamic system.
Selecting User defined from the Liquid list, the equilibrium vapor pressure, Pvap,i, and heat of vaporization Hvap,i, for evaporating or condensing species can be manually defined.
Below the settings are detailed for the respective entries in the Liquid list.
When Water is selected, use the Water vapor species list to identify the species solved for that corresponds to water vapor. The saturated water vapor pressure is prescribed to the species selected.
For Thermochemistry coupling also select an interface from the Chemistry list. In order for a Chemistry interface to be available, it needs fulfill the following criteria:
The interface should be set to consider a concentrated mixture. This is applied by selecting Concentrated species in the Type list at the top of the Mixture Properties section (in the settings window of the interface).
The interface should be coupled to a Thermodynamics System. In the Mixture Properties section, select Thermodynamics and chose an appropriate entry from the Thermodynamic system list.
Gas phase mixture properties should be produced by selecting Gas in the Phase list of the Mixture Properties section.
The interface cannot have Define variables for porous pellets enabled in the Pellet Chemistry section.
Evaporating/Condensing Species
When a Thermochemistry coupling is used, select the evaporating or condensing species using the check boxes next to the respective species. When a species is correctly coupled, the mass fraction variable as well as the chemical formula and compound name is indicated, for example as “wA, C3H6O (acetone)”. If the species is not correctly coupled, the corresponding label is “wA, Not coupled”. To inspect the coupling, use the Go to source button to navigate to the Chemistry interface. In the Species Matching section make sure that each species is coupled both to a mass fraction solved for as well as to a species From thermodynamics.
Liquid Side
Indicate the side in the interface that corresponds to a liquid using the red arrow in the Graphics interface. The arrow should point from the vapor into the liquid. Select Reverse direction when needed. Note, when modeling a moving interface, by using a Fluid-Fluid Interface feature (described in the CFD Module User’s Guide), the Normal Direction defined there needs to be aligned with the liquid side direction. When aligned the interface will move into the liquid during evaporation and into the vapor during condensation.
Mass Fraction
To define the vapor side condition directly, select Mass fraction from the Vapor property list. For each of the evaporating or condensing species, specify the equilibrium mass fraction, ω0,i, and heat of vaporization Hvap,i.
Transient initialization
When prescribing boundary conditions in time-dependent problems, and in particular vapor pressure conditions, it is important not to introduce a discontinuity with respect to the conditions in the domain. When this happens the solver may struggle to converge and resort to small time steps. When using transient initialization a smooth step function, fs, transitions the boundary condition, from the domain initial value, ω0, to the condition to be applied in the boundary, ωeq, over a small time span Δt. The smoothed value applied on the boundary, ωbnd, is defined as
When Duration is set to Automatic the initialization time is automatically defined as a fraction of the time between the initial and the last output
Select User defined to manually define the duration of the transient initialization Δt.