About the Brinkman Equations
The Brinkman equations describe fluids in porous media for which the momentum transport within the fluid due to shear stresses is of importance. This mathematical model extends Darcy’s law to include a term that accounts for the viscous transport in the momentum balance, and it treats both the pressure and the flow velocity vector as independent variables. Use the Free and Porous Media Flow, Brinkman interface to model combinations of porous media and free flow domains. These types of problems are often encountered in applications such as monolithic reactors and fuel cells.
In porous domains, the flow variables and fluid properties are defined at any point inside the medium by means of averaging of the actual variables and properties over a certain volume surrounding the point. This control volume must be small compared to the typical macroscopic dimensions of the problem, but it must be large enough to contain many pores and solid matrix elements.
Porosity is defined as the fraction of the control volume that is occupied by pores. Thus, the porosity can vary from zero for pure solid regions to unity for domains of free flow.
The physical properties of the fluid, such as density and viscosity, are defined as intrinsic volume averages that correspond to a unit volume of the pores. Defined this way, they present the relevant physical parameters that can be measured experimentally, and they are assumed to be continuous with the corresponding parameters in the adjacent free flow.
The flow velocity is defined as a superficial volume average, and it corresponds to a unit volume of the medium including both the pores and the matrix. It is sometimes called the Darcy velocity, defined as the volume flow rate per unit cross section of the medium. Such a definition makes the velocity field continuous across the boundaries between porous regions and regions of free flow.