References for the Darcy’s Law Interface
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3. N.H. Sleep and K. Fujita, Principles of Geophysics, Blackwell Science, 1997.
4. D.L. Turcotte and G. Schubert, Geodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
5. J. Bear, Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Elsevier Scientific Publishing, 1972.
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8. Yu-Shu Wu and others, “Gas Flow in Porous Media with Klinkenberg Effects,” Transport in Porous Media, vol. 32, pp. 117–137, 1998.
9. H. Gerke and M. van Genuchten, “A dual-porosity model for simulating the preferential movement of water and solutes in structured porous media.” Water Resources Research. 29. pp. 305-319. 1993.