The Mixture Model, Realizable k-ω (mm) interface (

), found under the
Multiphase Flow>Mixture Model>Mixture Model, Turbulent Flow branch (

) when adding a physics interface, is used to model the flow at high Reynolds numbers of liquids containing a dispersed phase. The dispersed phase can be bubbles, liquid droplets, or solid particles, which are assumed to always travel with their terminal velocity.
The Mixture Model, k-
ω interface solves one set of Navier–Stokes equations for the momentum of the mixture. The pressure distribution is calculated from a mixture averaged continuity equation and the velocity of the dispersed phase is described by a slip model. The volume fraction of the dispersed phase is tracked by solving a transport equation for the volume fraction. Turbulence effects are modeled using the Wilcox revised two-equation
ω model with realizability constraints. The
ω model is a so-called low-Reynolds-number model, which means that it can resolve the flow all the way down to the wall.
The default Turbulence model type is
RANS. A different turbulence model can be selected under
Turbulence model. The default turbulence model is
The k-ω model employs per default an
Automatic wall treatment, which switches between a low-Reynolds-number formulation and a wall function formulation depending on how well resolved the flow is close to the wall. The automatic wall treatment gives a robust formulation that makes the most out of the available resolution. The most robust, but least accurate option is to select the
Wall functions option.
Select the Low Re option in order to enforce resolution all the way down to the wall. This can be more accurate than the automatic wall treatment provided that the mesh is fine enough. Observe that the
Low Re formulation requires the wall distance to be solved for prior to the flow.