This interface (
), found under the Chemical Species Transport branch (

), is used to calculate the species concentration and transport in free and porous media. The interface is the same as the
Transport of Diluted Species interface but it uses other defaults: The
Mass Transport in Porous Media property is selected, and a
Porous Medium node is added by default. The interface includes reaction rate expressions and solute sources for modeling of species transport and reaction in porous media.
The main feature nodes are the Porous Medium and
Unsaturated Porous Medium nodes, which add the equations for the species concentrations and provide an interface for defining the properties of the porous media, as well as additional properties governing adsorption, volatilization, dispersion and diffusion, migration, and the velocity field to model convection.
When this physics interface is added, these default nodes are also added to the Model Builder —
Porous Medium,
No Flux (the default boundary condition), and
Initial Values. Then, from the
Physics toolbar, add other nodes that implement, for example, boundary conditions, reaction rate expressions, and species sources. You can also right-click
Transport of Diluted Species in Porous Media to select physics features from the context menu.