Use the Impedance node to specify a normal specific impedance Zn on a boundary. Add this node from the Mechanical submenu. The condition has a user defined option as well as the option to define a simple RCL impedance model. The latter is useful for modeling the interaction with, for example, a microphone represented by a simple mass-spring-damper system.
The boundary condition reads
The condition relates the normal stress at the boundary to the normal velocity, through the value if the specific impedance. The tangential velocity can optionally be constrained to zero.
Select the Impedance model as User defined (the default) or RCL. For a transient model only the User defined option exists.
For User defined enter a value or expression for the Specific impedance Zn (SI unit: Pas/m).
The RCL model includes all possible circuits involving a source of damping (a resistor Rac), an acoustic mass or inertance (an inductor Lac), and a source of acoustic compliance (a capacitor Cac). The circuit elements are entered in acoustic units. These can be used as a simple model of, for example, the input impedance of a microphone, a loudspeaker cone, or other electromechanical applications. Other applications include general transmission line/circuit models with applications in materials with exotic acoustic properties. More advanced circuit models may be entered manually in the User defined option or by coupling to an Electric Circuit model (this requires the AC/DC Module) to the Lumped Port.
Choose an option from the list: Serial coupling RCL, Parallel coupling RCL, Parallel LC in series with R, Parallel RC in series with L, Parallel RL in series with C, Serial RC in parallel with L, Serial LC in parallel with R, or Serial RL in parallel with C.
Notice the matching diagram and Equation section information for each choice. Then enter the Equivalent acoustic resistance Rac (SI unit: kg/(m4·s)), the Equivalent acoustic compliance Cac (SI unit: m4·s2/kg) and the Equivalent acoustic inertance Lac (SI unit: kg/m4).
Select a condition for the Tangential velocitySlip (the default) or No slip. The No Slip option will apply an additional constraint for the velocity in the tangential direction on the boundary. When Tangential velocitySlip is selected the impedance mimics the behavior of a corresponding pressure acoustics model with a normal impedance condition.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
Excluded Edges/Points
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. See Suppressing Constraints on Lower Dimensions for details.