Interior Wall
The Interior Wall boundary condition is used to model a wall condition on an interior boundary. It is, similarly to the Wall boundary condition, available on exterior boundaries except that it applies on both sides (up and down) of an internal boundary. It allows discontinuities (in pressure, velocity, and temperature) across the boundary. Use the Interior Wall boundary condition to avoid meshing thin structures by applying this slit-like condition on interior curves and surfaces instead. Add this node from the Interior Conditions submenu.
Select a Mechanical conditionNo slip (the default) or Slip (perfect). See the No Slip and Slip (Perfect) conditions for further details.
Select a Thermal conditionIsothermal (the default) or Adiabatic. See the Isothermal and Adiabatic conditions for further details.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
If Slip (perfect) is selected for the Mechanical condition and Weak constraints is selected as Constraint, the default Nitsche (penalty like) formulation is switched to a Lagrange multiplier formulation instead. For the No-slip and Isothermal selections a weak formulation is used instead of a pointwise constraint.
Excluded Edges/Points
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. See Suppressing Constraints on Lower Dimensions for details.