Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermal Perturbation Boundary
The Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermal Perturbation Boundary coupling () is used to couple the temperature variation field in Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain (or Transient) to the Heat Transfer in Solids or Heat Transfer in Fluids physics interfaces. Typically, the coupling is to the Heat Transfer in Solids interface to get a physically consistent model. The multiphysics coupling should always be combined with a mechanical condition on the acoustic side. If the Adiabatic formulation is used in thermoviscous acoustics, no coupling is performed.
This multiphysics coupling allows modeling the effect of a nonideal thermal condition at the fluid-solid interface. This is of particular interest in, for example, MEMS systems; or in systems where the thermal properties of the fluid and the solid are similar to some extent, for example, in a water-glass systems.
Coupled Interfaces
This section defines the physics involved in the multiphysics coupling. The Thermoviscous acoustics and Thermal perturbation lists include all applicable physics interfaces.
The Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermal Perturbation Boundary coupling is only applicable for Frequency-Domain Perturbation (possibly combined with a Stationary study) and Time Dependent studies. This is the case as the Heat Transfer in Solids (and Fluids) interface is not formulated in terms of perturbations as all acoustic interfaces are. This typically requires solving for the stationary temperature field in the solid, which then forms the linearization point for the acoustic model. The temperature linearization point can also be taken from the Initial expression. The stationary temperature field can be selected in Model Input for the acoustic model to get consistent material data.
Thermoacoustic Engine and Heat Pump. Application Library path Acoustics_Module/Nonlinear_Acoustics/thermoacoustic_engine_heat_pump