Anisotropic Poroelastic Material
Use the Anisotropic Poroelastic Material node to define the poroelastic material and fluid properties of an anisotropic porous material. Anisotropic properties can here be defined for the elastic matrix material properties as well as the relevant poroacoustic properties (flow resistivity, tortuosity factor, and viscous characteristic length).
Coordinate System Selection
The Global coordinate system is selected by default. The Coordinate system list contains all applicable coordinate systems in the component. The coordinate system is used for interpreting directions of orthotropic and anisotropic material data and when stresses, strains, and porous properties are presented in a local system.
Poroelastic Model
Select the Model as either Biot (viscous losses) or Biot–Allard (thermal and viscous losses) (the default). See the Poroelastic Material for details on the options.
Porous Matrix Properties
Select a Porous model: Drained matrix, isotropic; Drained matrix, orthotropic; or Drained matrix, anisotropic. Then enter or select the settings as described.
First enter the mechanical properties of the drained porous matrix. The drained parameters are also sometimes referred to as the in-vacuo elastic parameters; they are in principle measured without the presence of the saturating fluid:
Then (below the dividing line) enter the porous (or poroacoustic) parameters of the poroelastic material:
Porous Drained Matrix, Isotropic
If Drained matrix, isotropic is selected (the default) from the Porous model list, select a pair of elastic properties to describe an isotropic drained porous material. The drained parameters are also sometimes referred to as the in-vacuo elastic parameters; they are in principle measured without the presence of the saturating fluid.
From the Specify list, select:
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio to specify drained Young’s modulus (elastic modulus) Ed (SI unit: Pa) and Poisson’s ratio νd (dimensionless). For an isotropic material, Young’s modulus is the spring stiffness in Hooke’s law, which in 1D form is σ = Edε, where σ is the stress and ε is the strain. Poisson’s ratio defines the normal strain in the perpendicular direction, generated from a normal strain in the other direction and follows the equation ε = −υε||
Shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio (the default for the Biot–Allard model) to specify drained shear modulus Gd (SI unit: Pa) and Poisson’s ratio νd (dimensionless).
Young’s modulus and Shear modulus to specify drained Young’s modulus (elastic modulus) Ed (SI unit: Pa) and drained shear modulus Gd (SI unit: Pa).
Bulk modulus and shear modulus (the default for the Biot model) to specify the drained bulk modulus Kd (SI unit: Pa) and the drained shear modulus Gd (SI unit: Pa). The bulk drained modulus is a measure of the solid porous matrix’s resistance to volume changes. The shear modulus is a measure of the solid porous matrix’s resistance to shear deformations.
Lamé parameters to specify the drained Lamé parameters λd (SI unit: Pa) and μd (SI unit: Pa).
Pressure-wave and shear-wave speeds to specify the drained pressure-wave speed cp (SI unit: m/s) and the shear-wave speed cs (SI unit: m/s).
Then also enter:
Drained density of porous material to specify the drained density of the porous material in vacuum ρd (SI unit: kg/m3). The drained density ρd is equal to (1  εp) ρs where ρs is the density of the solid material from which the matrix is made and εp is the porosity.
Isotropic structural loss factor (only for the Biot-Allard model) to specify the loss factor of the porous matrix ηs (dimensionless). This value introduces the damping due to losses in the porous structure by transform the elastic moduli into complex valued quantities. This quantity can be frequency dependent if necessary.
For each pair of properties, select from the applicable list to use the value From material or enter a User defined value or expression. Each of these pairs define the drained elastic properties and it is possible to convert from one set of properties to another.
Porous Drained Matrix, Orthotropic
When Drained matrix, orthotropic is selected from the Porous model list, the material properties of the solid porous matrix vary in orthogonal directions only.
The default properties take values From material. For User defined, enter values or expressions for the drained Young’s modulus E (SI unit: Pa), the drained Poisson’s ratio ν (dimensionless), and the drained Shear modulus G (SI unit: Pa).
Porous Drained Matrix, Anisotropic
When Drained matrix, anisotropic is selected from the Porous model list, the material properties of the solid porous matrix vary in all directions, and the stiffness comes from the symmetric Elasticity matrix, D (SI unit: Pa). The default uses values From material. For User defined enter values in the 6-by-6 symmetric matrix that displays.
Porous Parameters for Biot (viscous losses) (anisotropic)
In the Anisotropic Poroelastic Material model the Permeability [κp]ijand the Tortuosity factor [τ]ij can have anisotropic properties. The remaining (isotropic) parameters are described in the Porous Parameters for Biot (viscous losses) section.
For the two inputs select either From material (the default) or User defined. For the User defined option, select if the material property is entered as Isotropic or Diagonal (the properties only have non-zero components in the diagonal for i = j). When taken From material the properties can now be defined as diagonal tensor data, when defining a material in the Materials node.
Porous Parameters for Biot–Allard (thermal and viscous losses) (anisotropic)
In the Anisotropic Poroelastic Material model the Flow resistivity [Rf]ij, the Tortuosity factor [τ]ij, and the Viscous characteristic length [Lv]ij can have anisotropic properties. The remaining (isotropic) parameters are described in the Porous Parameters for Biot–Allard (thermal and viscous losses) section.
For the three inputs select either From material (the default) or User defined. For the User defined option, select if the material property is entered as Isotropic or Diagonal (the properties only have non-zero components in the diagonal for i = j). When taken From material, the properties can now be defined as diagonal tensor data, when defining a material in the Materials node.
Fluid Properties
For details see the Fluid Properties in the (isotropic) Poroelastic Material model.
Transverse Isotropic Porous Layer: Application Library path Acoustics_Module/Building_and_Room_Acoustics/transverse_isotropic_porous_layer