where u = u(
t) is the particle velocity associated with the acoustic wave motion. The
total particle velocity is given by
where u0 denotes the local background mean flow velocity and
u is the acoustic velocity perturbation. In the following the variables with a zero subscript are the background mean flow values. The acoustic perturbation quantities have no super nor subscript. In acoustic textbooks a subscript “1” or a prime (superscript) is sometimes used for the acoustic quantities.
The dynamic equations for this mean-flow field are described in the next subsection on the Compressible Potential Flow. For now, just assume
u0 to be a given
irrotational background velocity field; hence, also the mean-flow velocity can be defined in terms of a potential field
Φ, by
u0 = ∇Φ.
The linearized equation for the velocity potential ϕ, governing acoustic waves in a background flow with mean background velocity
u0, mean background density
ρ0, and mean background speed of sound
c0, is
In deriving this equation, all variables appearing in the full nonlinear fluid-dynamics equations were first split in time-independent and acoustic parts, in the manner of Equation 5-9. Then, linearizing the resulting equations in the acoustic perturbation and eliminating all acoustic variables except the velocity potential gives
Equation 5-10. Thus, the density
ρ in this equation is the time-independent part. The corresponding acoustic part is
t) = p(r,
t)/c02 where
p is the acoustic pressure, given by
Hence, once Equation 5-10 has been solved for the velocity potential, the acoustic pressure can easily be calculated.
In the frequency domain, the velocity potential ϕ is assumed to be a harmonic wave of the form
the out-of-plane wave number kz enters the equations when the
∇ operators are expanded:
The default value of the out-of-plane wave number is 0, that is, no wave propagation perpendicular to the 2D plane. In a mode analysis the equations are solved for
the azimuthal wave number m similarly appears in the equation as a parameter:
In the time domain, the physics interface solves for the velocity potential ϕ with an arbitrary transient dependency. The following equation governs the acoustic waves in a mean potential flow:
Here ρ0 (SI unit: kg/m
3) is the background mean flow density,
u0 (SI unit: m/s) denotes the background mean flow velocity, and
c0 (SI unit: m/s) refers to the speed of sound. The software solves the equation for the velocity potential
ϕ, with SI unit m
2/s. The validity of this equation relies on the assumption that
u0, and
c0 are approximately constant in time, while they can be functions of the spatial coordinates.
for the eigenmodes, ϕ, and eigenvalues,
λ = −ikz, on a bounded two-dimensional domain,
Ω, given well-posed edge conditions on
∂Ω. In this equation,
ϕ is the velocity potential,
ρ0 is the background mean flow density,
c0 is the speed of sound,
ω is the angular frequency, and
kz is the out-of-plane wave number or propagation constant. Furthermore,
ut denotes the background mean velocity field in the tangential plane while
un is the background mean velocity component in the normal direction.