The Magnetohydrodynamics (

) multiphysics coupling feature is used to model the interaction of magnetic fields and conducting fluids. It couples one of the magnetic field interfaces and the
Laminar Flow interface. The supported magnetic field interfaces are the
Magnetic Fields,
Magnetic and Electric Fields,
Magnetic Field Formulation, and
Rotating Machinery, Magnetic interfaces in the AC/DC Module. By default, the coupling feature passes the Lorentz force
F = J × B from the magnetic field interface to the
Laminar Flow interface and the electromotive force (the induced electric field)
E = v × B from the
Laminar Flow interface to the magnetic field
The Magnetohydrodynamics feature is available in 2D, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D geometries and is allowed for both Stationary and Time Dependent studies (including Frequency-Stationary and Frequency-Transient studies). When the deformation of the conducting fluids cannot be neglected (that is, when topology changes are important), the
Moving Mesh feature (added from the
Definitions) is usually used together with the
Magnetohydrodynamics feature.
The Label is the multiphysics coupling feature name. The default
Label (for the first multiphysics coupling feature in the model) is
Magnetohydrodynamics 1.
The Name is used primarily as a scope prefix for variables defined by the coupling node. Refer to such variables in expressions using the pattern
<name>.<variable_name>. In order to distinguish between variables belonging to different coupling nodes or physics interfaces, the
name string must be unique. Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are permitted in the
Name field. The first character must be a letter.
The default Name (for the first multiphysics coupling feature in the model) is
This section defines the physics involved in the multiphysics coupling. The Electromagnetic and
Fluid flow lists include all applicable physics interfaces.
When the Magnetohydrodynamics node is added from the Physics ribbon (Windows users),
Physics contextual toolbar (macOS and Linux users), or context menu (all users), then the first physics interface of each type in the component is selected as the default.
You can also select None from either list to uncouple the Magnetohydrodynamics node from a physics interface. If the physics interface is removed from the
Model Builder, for example
Solid Mechanics is deleted, then the list defaults to
None as there is nothing to couple to.
The coupling behavior can be easily controlled by selecting or clearing the Include Lorentz force and
Include electromotive force check boxes. For example, if
Include Lorentz force is selected and
Include electromotive force is cleared, only the Lorentz force is considered and the electromotive force is neglected. This is usually valid when the magnetic Reynolds number is very low.