Feature Specific Variables and Accessing the Solution at Different Phases
When time periodic problems are solved, the solution contains variables that may have different values at different phase values.
In postprocessing, it is possible to use the built-in phase variable that can be specified as an input in a dataset. Variables in the physics interface that depend on the phase value typically end with the suffix _tpph. For example, the magnetic flux density norm, as a function of phase, can be accessed by writing mmtp.normB_tpph (assuming that the physics interface tag is mmtp).
It is also possible to access the value of a variable at a particular time by using the suffix _tpn, where n is an integer between 1 and the number of time frames nTP. For example, the magnetic flux density norm at phase zero is mmtp.normB_tp0 and the same variable at the phase π/2 is mmtp.normB_tp4 (assuming also that nTP = 16).
Phase variables exist, for example, for the following quantities:
Since forces and torques are specific to the node they originate from, some extra details must be taken into account for their variable names:
The total axial torque is added for each Rotational Continuity Pair node, so the variable contains the tag of that node. For example, mmtp.rcon1.Tax_tpph.
The Force Calculation node distinguishes forces on different objects by an extra suffix that is specified as an input in the node. For example, the normal outward Maxwell stress tensor as a function of phase in the X direction becomes mmtp.nTX_1_tpph (given that the Force name input is 1).
When phase-dependent variables are defined, a number of related variables become available by substituting the _tpph suffix. In Table 5-7, available variables and operators are shown, using the X-component of the magnetic flux density as an example.
Axial torque and force density variables from the Rotational Continuity Pair and Force Calculation features are also equipped with versions giving the maximum and minimum values over a time period.
In Table 5-7, the last column shows the definition of operators that can be used for accessing the variables at a given phase, instead of the phase value specified in the dataset. These operators are available both during model setup and in postprocessing, where they can be found in the Functions section under Definitions in plot menus. It is important to note that the phase variable has a specific value (typically 0) in the physics. For accessing the phase at each time frame, the variable <phystag>.phaseTP can be used. However, this is not a true variable and cannot be plotted or included in other variable definitions. It may be used in the following inputs:
Relative permeability for Laminated Core and Passive Conductor.
Current density out-of-plane for External Current Density.
Magnetic vector potential out-of-plane for Initial Values and Magnetic Potential.
Volumetric loss density for Passive Conductor, External Current Density, Magnet, Laminated Core, and Multiphase Winding.
As an example, given that the physics interface tag is mmtp, it is possible to apply a current density with a DC bias of 1 A/mm2 and a zero-phase harmonic ripple with an amplitude of 0.5 A/mm2, by entering the expression 1[A/mm^2]+0.5[A/mm^2]*cos(mmtp.phaseTP) in the External Current Density feature.