The Magnetic Shielding node adds a boundary condition for magnetic shielding. It describes a thin layer of a highly permeable medium that shields the magnetic field. Because of the presence of this thin layer, the tangential components of the magnetic field and vector potential have discontinuities given by:
In this equation, ds is the surface layer thickness and the relation between the tangential magnetic field
Ht and flux density
Bt inside the layer can be linear and given by a relative permeability or nonlinear and given by the B-H curve of the layer material.
Select Relative permeability μr (dimensionless) to use the constitutive relation
B = μ0μrH. The default uses values
From material. For
User defined, enter another value or expression.
Select B-H curve to use a curve that relates the magnetic flux density
B and the magnetic field
H as
|B| = f(|H|). The
Magnetic field norm setting can take the values
From material or
User defined.