Electric Shielding
The Electric Shielding node provides an electric shielding boundary condition. Use this node to model a thin layer of a highly conductive medium that shields the electric field. The sheet has the electrical conductivity σs and the surface thickness d.
The condition is represented by the following equation for interior boundaries and (setting J2 = 0) exterior boundaries assuming DC currents
For the frequency domain and Time Dependent study types, also displacement currents are accounted for via the bulk relative permittivity of the sheet; εrs and the conservation laws change to:
Use this boundary condition when approximating a thin domain with a boundary to reduce the number of mesh elements. The Electric Field and Conduction Current sections are the same as for Current Conservation.
Enter a value or expression for the Surface thickness ds (SI unit: m). The default is 1 cm.
Electric Shielding: Application Library path ACDC_Module/Introductory_Electric_Currents/electric_shielding