Drude–Lorentz Polarization
This subfeature is available only when Drude-Lorentz Dispersion Model is selected as the Electric displacement field model in the Wave Equation, Electric feature node. Then the subnodes are made available from the context menu (right-click the parent node) as well as from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu.
Each Drude-Lorentz Polarization subnode adds another polarization term Pn to the electric displacement field D, defined by
where the polarization is the solution to the ordinary differential equation
Here Γn is a damping coefficient, ωn is a resonance frequency, fn is an oscillator strength, and ωp is the plasma frequency.
Enter values or expressions for the Oscillator strength fn (SI unit: 1), the Resonance frequency ωn (SI unit: rad/s), and the Damping in time coefficient Γn (SI unit: rad/s).
Initial Values
Enter values or expressions for the initial values of the components of the Drude–Lorentz polarization Pn (SI unit: C/m2) and its time derivative Pn/∂t (SI unit: A/m2).
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Discretization from the Show More Options dialog box. Select the element order from the list box for the Drude-Lorentz polarization Pn.
Time-Domain Modeling of Dispersive Drude–Lorentz Media: Application Library path Wave_Optics_Module/Gratings_and_Metamaterials/drude_lorentz_media