Far-Field Domain
To set up a far-field calculation, add a Far-Field Domain node and specify the far-field domains in its Settings window. Use Far-Field Calculation subnodes (one is added by default) to specify all other settings needed to define the far-field calculation. If a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) node has been added before adding the Far-Field Domain, all of the domains in the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface adjacent to the PML are automatically selected by default. If there is no PML, all of the domains are selected. The selection can be modified. In that case, select only a homogeneous domain or domain group that is outside of all radiating and scattering objects and which has the material settings of the far-field medium.
Optical Scattering off a Gold Nanosphere: Application Library path Wave_Optics_Module/Optical_Scattering/scattering_nanosphere