Modeling Wires and Cables
Wires are thin one-dimensional structures with no bending stiffness. Ideal wires can only sustain tensile axial forces. Typically, wires act in a prestressed state. It is however also possible to model for example wires that are sagging under self-weight.
The wire elements have displacements as degrees of freedom and live on boundaries in 2D and edges in 3D. Typical uses of the wire elements are:
The Wire interface supports the same study types as the Solid Mechanics interface.
Dependent Variables
The degrees of freedom (dependent variables) are the global displacements u, v, and w (3D only) in the global x, y, and z directions, respectively.
Modeling Wires and Cables
You use the Wire interface for modeling wires and cables, possibly sagging under gravity or other external loads. Below are some suggestions for how to model such structures efficiently: