Prescribed Displacement
The Prescribed Displacement node adds an edge (3D), boundary (2D), or point (2D and 3D) condition where the displacements are prescribed in one or more directions. It is also possible set maximum and minimum limits for the displacements, so that for example a one-sided support can be modeled.
Coordinate System Selection
Specify the coordinate system to use for specifying the prescribed displacement.
Prescribed Displacement
Select a NotationStandard or General.
Standard Notation
For the displacement in each direction, select a setting from the list — Free, Prescribed, or Limited. Select:
Free (the default) to leave the displacement component unconstrained
Prescribed to constrain the displacement component to a given value. Enter a scalar value for the component of the prescribed displacement u0.
Limited to set a maximum and a minimum limit for the displacement component. Enter a scalar value for the component of the maximum displacement u0,max and the minimum displacement u0,min. By default, they are set to Inf and -Inf, which corresponds to no active constraint.
If any displacement component is set to Limited, an additional section Limited displacement is visible. Select the Method used to implement the weak inequality constraint — Penalty or Augmented Lagrangian. For both methods, enter a Penalty factor kp.
By default, the Penalty method is suggested, which in principle enforces the maximum and minimum limits for the displacement by adding nonlinear springs with a stiffness equal to kp when the limits are exceeded. This method is usually robust, but the accuracy is directly dependent on the chosen penalty factor.
The Augmented Lagrangian method adds extra degrees of freedom to improve the accuracy of the constraint. Here, the penalty factor is a numerical parameter, and has less impact on the accuracy of the constraint compared to when using the penalty method. The implementation of the augmented Lagrangian method puts no restrictions on the solver sequence, but for good convergence, proper scaling of the extra degrees of freedom can be important.
The default value for the Penalty factor kp depends on what type of entity the Prescribed Displacement node is added to. In the Truss interface:
For points, the default expression is 100*truss.Eequ*truss.area/truss.<tag>.charLen
For edges, the default expression is 100*truss.Eequ*truss.area/truss.<tag>.charLen^2
In these expressions, truss is the tag of the Truss interface and <tag> is the tag of the Prescribed Displacement node. The variable truss.<tag>.charLen is by default equal to the length of the mesh element.
For points, the default expression is 100*wire.k_A/wire.<tag>.charLen
For edges, the default expression is 100*wire.k_A/wire.<tag>.charLen^2
General Notation
In 3D, 2D, or 2D axisymmetry, click the General notation to specify the displacements using a general notation that includes any linear combination of displacement components. For example, for 2D components, use the relationship
For H matrix H select Isotropic, Diagonal, Symmetric, or Full and then enter values as needed in the field or matrix. Enter values or expressions for the R vector R.
For example, to achieve the condition v, use the settings
which force the domain to move only diagonally in the xy-plane.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
In the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual:
You can add a Harmonic Perturbation subnode for specifying a harmonic variation of the values of the prescribed displacements in a frequency domain analysis of perturbation type.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Truss or Wire selected: