Add a Reduced Flexible Components node to define one or more flexible parts of the structure as a reduced-order model (ROM) for component mode synthesis (CMS). When the settings in this node and its
Component Definition subnodes are ready, press the
Configure CMS Study (

) button to set up the study sequence that generates the ROMs for all selected components.
The Reduced Flexible Components node is only available with some COMSOL products (see It is available in 3D and 2D.
Select a Component Definition —
Detect from geometry or
User defined. If
Detect from geometry is used, then a geometric analysis is performed, and the selection is subdivided into a number of disjoint components. For each such component found, a
Component Definition subnode is added. In order to do manual selection of the domains to be included in the reduced components, select
User defined.
Enter a required Number of eigenmodes to be included in the dynamic representation of each reduced component. This value can be modified for individual components in the settings in the
Component Definition nodes.
Select the Include load contributions in Reduced Components check box if any loads in the physics interface should be part of the reduced component. A load that is included in a reduced component will act when that reduced component is used in a global study. In order to avoid double contributions, that same load must then be disabled when running the global study. The default is such that this check box is cleared, in which case loads are not included in the reduced components and will be only active when running the global study.
When Synchronize ‘Solve for’ study setting for Reduced Components is selected, the
Solve for column in the table in the
Physics and Variables Selection section in applicable study steps is automatically managed for consistency between ROMs and their generating physics interface. To take manual control, clear this check box.
When Include connections and pairs in component definition is selected, geometrically disconnected domains that are connected by pair features or connection features in the Shell interface are merged. Such features include: