Spring Material
Coordinate System Selection
The spring constants and loss factors are given with respect to the selected coordinate system.
Select the Spring type and its associated spring constant or force using Table 4-8 as a guide.
Use the built-in variables for the thin layer extension for the options Force per area as function of extension, Force per length as function of extension, or Total force as function of extension. The names are <item>.uelt1, <item>.uelt2, and <item>.ueln, where <item> is the name of the Thin Layer node (e.g. solid.tl1), and t1, t2, and n are the coordinate names of the local boundary system.
The spring constants can be entered as Isotropic, Diagonal, or Symmetric. For Isotropic the same spring constant is used in all the diagonal elements of the spring matrix.
Enter the Mass type of the thin elastic layer — Total mass, Mass per unit volume, or Mass per unit area. For thin layers on 2D geometries, it is also possible to enter the Mass per unit length ρL.
Geometric Nonlinearity
The settings in this section affect the behavior of the Spring Material in a geometrically nonlinear analysis.
If a study step is geometrically nonlinear, the default behavior is to use a large strain formulation in all domains. Select the Geometrically linear formulation check box to always use a small strain formulation, irrespective of the setting in the study step.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. For more information about this section, see Constraint Settings in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
From the Damping type list, select Loss factor or Viscous damping.
When choosing Loss factor type, select Scalar (Same for all components) or Individual components.
For Scalar (Same for all components) enter a single Loss factor for spring ηs, which is used to multiply all values of the spring matrix or spring force vector.
For Individual components select Isotropic, Diagonal, or Symmetric, then enter values or expressions for the Loss factor for spring ηk. The loss factors act on the corresponding components of the spring matrix or spring force vector. If you select Isotropic, the effect is the same as when you select Diagonal and enter the same value for all diagonal elements.
When choosing Viscous damping, enter the Normal viscosity ηb and the Shear viscosity ηv.