Fixed Constraint (Thin Layer)
The Fixed Constraint and Prescribed Displacement (Thin Layer) nodes are similar, in that the prescribed displacement of the structural part on which it is acting is prescribed to zero. The displacements and rotations are prescribed to zero in all directions. There are no settings for this node. See Fixed Constraint.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. For more information about this section, see Constraint Settings in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Excluded Points
To display these sections, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. For more information about these sections, see Excluded Surfaces, Excluded Edges, and Excluded Points in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Modeling Thin Layers in the Structural Mechanics Modeling chapter.
Theory for Thin Layers in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Thin Layer node selected in the model tree: