Intercalation Strain
Intercalation strain is an internal volumetric strain that occurs as a result of the insertion of species (atoms) into interstitial sites of a host electrode material, for instance intercalation of lithium atoms in graphite in lithium-ion battery electrodes.
The volumetric strain due to intercalation reads
where ΔV is the change in volume due to intercalation, and V0 is the reference volume.
For small strains, the intercalation strain tensor is
where I is the identity tensor. In a geometrically nonlinear context, the intercalation strain is represented by a deformation gradient,
The Intercalation Strain subnode is only available with the Battery Design Module, see
Intercalation Strain
Select how to define the Volumetric strain, ΔV/V0, — From material or User defined.
When From material is selected, the material property Volumetric strain is used. The dependency on the concentration is then passed to the material using the input in the Model Input section.
For User defined, enter an expression for the volumetric strain as function of a concentration variable. As the strain is given explicitly, such an expression should be a function of a concentration variable.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material node selected in the model tree: