Piezomagnetic Material
The Piezomagnetic Material node defines the linear magnetoelastic material properties. The material data can be entered either in the strain-magnetization form using the elasticity matrix and the coupling matrix, or in stress-magnetization form using the compliance matrix and the coupling matrix. It is normally used as part of Piezomagnetic Effect multiphysics interface together with a Piezomagnetic Effect multiphysics coupling node and Ampère’s Law, Piezomagnetic node in the corresponding Magnetic Fields interface. Piezomagnetic Material node is added by default to the Solid Mechanics interface when adding a Piezomagnetism multiphysics interface. This material model available for 3D, 2D, and 2D axisymmetry.
When the Piezomagnetic Material node is added to the Structural Mechanics interface in the absence of an active Piezomagnetic Effect multiphysics coupling node, the material behaves similarly to a Linear Elastic Material node with some limitations on the format for the elastic material data input. All the magnetic material data and coupling data will have no effect. The piezomagnetic effect is then not included in the corresponding equation system.
By adding the following subnodes to the Piezomagnetic Material node you can incorporate other effects:
See also Magnetostriction and Piezomagnetism in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
The Piezomagnetic node is only available with some COMSOL products (see https://www.comsol.com/products/specifications/).
Magnetoelastic Properties
Select a Constitutive relation Strain-magnetization form or Stress-magnetization form. For each of the following, the default uses values From material. For User defined, enter other values in the matrix or field as needed.
For Strain-magnetization form, select a Compliance matrix, Voigt notation (sH).
For a Stress-magnetization form, select an Elasticity matrix, Voigt notation (cH).
Select a Piezomagnetic coupling matrix, Voigt notation (dHT or eHS).
Select a Relative permeability (μrT or μrS).
Select a Density (p).
Check the Use multiplicative formulation check box to use a formulation based on the multiplicative decomposition of elastic and inelastic (piezomagnetic) strains.
When the Use multiplicative formulation check box is selected, all studies in the model become geometrically nonlinear. The Include geometric nonlinearity check box on the study step Settings window is selected and cannot be cleared.
See also Multiplicative Formulation for Piezomagnetism in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
If any material in the model has a temperature dependent mass density, and From material is selected, the Volume reference temperature list will appear in the Model Input section. As a default, the value of Tref is obtained from a Common model input. You can also select User defined to enter a value or expression for the reference temperature locally.
Default Model Inputs and Model Input in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Geometric Nonlinearity
This section is only available when the check box Use multiplicative formulation is not selected.
If a study step is geometrically nonlinear, the default behavior is to use a large strain formulation in all domains. There are, however, some cases when the use of a small strain formulation for a certain domain is needed. In those cases, select the Geometrically linear formulation check box. When selected, a small strain formulation is always used, independently of the setting in the study step. The check box is not selected by default to conserve the properties of the model.
The Magnetic Fields Interface in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Energy Dissipation
You can select to compute and store various energy dissipation variables in a time-dependent analysis. Doing so will add extra degrees of freedom to the model.
Select the Calculate dissipated energy check box as needed to compute the energy dissipation.
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
Quadrature Settings
Select the Reduced integration check box to reduce the integration points for the weak contribution of the feature. Select a method for Hourglass stabilizationAutomatic, Manual, or None to use in combination with the reduced integration scheme. The default Automatic stabilization technique is based on the shape function and shape order of the displacement field.
Control the hourglass stabilization scheme by using the Manual option. Select Shear stabilization (default) or Volumetric stabilization.
When Shear stabilization is selected, enter a stabilization shear modulus, Gstb. The value should be in the order of magnitude of the equivalent shear modulus.
When Volumetric stabilization is selected, enter a stabilization bulk modulus, Kstb. The value should be in the order of magnitude of the equivalent bulk modulus.
See also Reduced Integration and Hourglass Stabilization in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Solid Mechanics selected: