Rigid Material
Add the Rigid Material node and select one or more edges (2D: boundaries) to make them a rigid body. Rigid Material is a material model, with only two material properties: the mass densities of the pipe and the fluid.
It is common that the material data for the fluid and the pipe material are in located in different Material nodes. Only one material can however be assigned to a certain edge. For this reason, the assignment of material data can be made not only using the material assigned to the edge, but by accessing any Material node present in the component.
By default, an Initial Values node is added (see Initial Values (Rigid Material)).
You can add functionality to the rigid domain through the following subnodes:
Fixed Constraint (Rigid Material) to fully constrain the rigid domain.
Prescribed Displacement/Rotation to prescribe the displacement of individual degrees of freedom.
Applied Force (Rigid Material) to apply a force in given point.
Mass and Moment of Inertia (Rigid Material) to add extra mass and moment of inertia in a given point.
Spring Foundation (Rigid Material) to add a translational or rotational spring or damper in a given point.
Fluid Properties
In this section, you enter the density of the fluid.
For input of the Density, ρf, select either From material or User defined. When using From material, also select the material to use in the Fluid material list. This list contains all materials present in the component, as well as the default choice Edge material. When Edge material is selected, the material currently assigned to the edge (2D: boundary) is used.
For User defined, enter a value or expression.
Pipe Properties
In this section, you enter the density of the pipe material.
For input of the Density, ρ, select either From material or User defined. When using From material, also select the material to use in the Fluid material list. This list contains all materials present in the component, as well as the default choice Edge material. When Edge material is selected, the material currently assigned to the edge (2D: boundary) is used.
For User defined, enter a value or expression.
All other settings for the Rigid Material node are described in the documentation for Rigid Material in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Pipe Mechanics selected: