Layered Shell-Structure Transition
Add the Layered Shell-Structure Transition multiphysics node () to create transitions between boundaries modeled using the Layered Shell and domains or boundaries modeled using the Solid Mechanics or Shell interfaces.
The Layered Shell-Structure Transition node is only available with some COMSOL products (see
Coupled Interfaces
Select the Layered Shell interface to couple.
Select the Structure Solid Mechanics or Shell.
Shell Properties
Clear the Use all layers check box to apply the Layered Shell-Structure Transition coupling on some layers only. Select a Layer from the list (the coupling is then applicable only on the boundaries where this latter material is defined). Under the Selection table clear the check boxes corresponding to layers where the coupling should not be applied.
Connection Settings
There is an automatic search for possible adjacent geometrical objects. If you want to modify the selections, select the Manual control of selections check box. Then, select the connected solid boundaries in the Boundary Selection, Solid section and the corresponding shell edges in the Edge Selection section.
The connected area is slightly extended by a distance Δ. Select how to determine this Connection tolerance Automatic or User defined. For Automatic, the tolerance Δ is set to 0.5% of the shell thickness, which allows for small inaccuracies on, for example, a curved geometry. By selecting User defined, you can modify the value of Δ.