Using the Fluid-Solid Interaction, Viscoelastic Flow(

) interface, you can model phenomena where a deformable solid and a fluid exhibiting a combination of viscous and elastic behavior affect each other. The interface includes a predefined condition for the interaction at the fluid-solid boundaries.
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation (ALE) is used for incorporating the geometrical changes of the fluid domain.
Using a time-dependent study, the Fluid-Solid Interaction, Viscoelastic Flow interface models bidirectional coupling between solids and the fluids. There are, however, special study steps available in order to model one-way fluid-structure interaction.
You add a predefined Fluid-Solid Interaction, Viscoelastic Flow interface from the
Fluid-Structure Interaction (

) group in either the
Structural Mechanics branch (

) or the
Fluid Flow branch (

) of the
Model Wizard or
Add Physics windows.
Viscoelastic Flow and
Solid Mechanics interfaces are then added to the Model Builder.
In addition, the Multiphysics node is added to the Model Builder, which automatically includes the multiphysics coupling feature
Fluid-Structure Interaction.
At the same time, a Moving Mesh node with a
Deforming Domain subnode is created under
Definitions. For more information, see
Deforming Fluid Domains.
The Viscoelastic Flow interface solves the continuity equation for conservation of mass and the Navier-Stokes equations for the conservation of momentum with an additional elastic stress term. To calculate the extra stress tensor, a number of constitutive relations are available.
For example, if single Laminar Flow and Solid Mechanics interfaces are added, COMSOL Multiphysics adds an empty Multiphysics node. You can choose from the available coupling features, but the modified settings are not included.
The Fluid-Structure Interaction feature is used to couple the interfaces.
Physics nodes are available from the Physics ribbon toolbar (Windows users),
Physics context menu (macOS or Linux users), or right-click to access the context menu (all users).