where T is the stress tensor, and
S is the strain tensor.
where m and
n refer to components of each matrix.
The Dielectric Loss subnode can be set to use the
Dispersion option. In such case, the following equations need to be solved in the time domain:
where you can specify two material parameters: the relaxation time τd and the relative permittivity increment
ΔεrS. The latter can be either a matrix or a scalar quantity. This model is a one-term version of the more general Debye dispersion model,
Ref. 13.
where S is the strain tensor, and

is the relative permittivity in the high frequency limit (that is, for excitations with a characteristic time much shorter than the relaxation time
With the absence of free electric charges, Equation 2-17 and
Equation 2-18 can be combined and integrated in time to yield the following equation:
In most cases, iω can be factored out, so that the following equation is solved:
Equation 2-20 shows how the dispersion parameters contribute to the polarization and losses. Thus, the effective relative permittivity decreases with the excitation frequency from the low frequency limit

down to the high frequency limit

. The damping effect vanishes for both large and small frequencies, and it reaches the maximum for
ω = 1/τd.
If the relative permittivity εrS (input on the
Piezoelectric Material parent node) is selected to represent the low frequency limit, one has
If εrS is selected to represent the high frequency limit, one can simply use

If the relative permittivity εrS (input on the
Piezoelectric Material parent node) is selected to represent the low frequency limit, the relative permittivity contribution is computes as
If the relative permittivity εrS is selected to represent the high frequency limit, it is computed as
where σe is the material electrical conductivity, and
E is the electric field. The above form of the equation is used for the eigenfrequency analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics.
Conduction loss can be combined with Dielectric Dispersion for both eigenfrequency and frequency domain analyses. The following equation forms are used, respectively, in the frequency domain: