Use the Wrinkling node to define the settings for the Newton-Raphson method that solves the wrinkling equations. Wrinkling can be added to a Linear Elastic Material or to a Hyperelastic Material.
Select a Termination criterion for local methodStep size, Residual, or Step size or residual. Set the Maximum number of local iterations in the Newton-Raphson loop when solving the local wrinkling equations. The defaults value is 50 local iterations.
When Step size is chosen as termination criterion, set the Absolute tolerance and the Relative tolerance to check the convergence of the local wrinkling equations based on the step size in the Newton-Raphson loop. The final tolerance is computed based on the current solution of the local variable and the entered values.
When Residual is chosen as termination criterion, set the Residual tolerance to check the convergence of the local wrinkling equations based on the residual of each equation.
When Step size or residual is chosen, it is sufficient that one of the conditions is fulfilled. Setting either the Absolute tolerance and Relative tolerance or the Residual tolerance to zero ignores the corresponding convergence check. An error is returned if all tolerances are set to zero.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or Hyperelastic Material node selected in the model tree: