Face Load
Add a Face Load to boundaries to use it as a pressure or tangential force acting on a surface. The loads are defined in the given coordinate system.
Interface Selection
Select the interface or interfaces at which the load is to be applied.
When added: Exterior interfaces.
When Selected Interfaces is selected.
Select a Load typeForce per unit area, Total force, or Pressure.
Select a Load typeForce per unit area, Pressure, Total force, or for 2D components, Force per unit length. Then enter values or expressions for the components in the matrix based on the selection and the space dimension.
For Force per unit area, the traction components are given explicitly.
For Total force, COMSOL Multiphysics then divides the total force by the area of the boundaries where the load is active. Then it is applied in the same way as for a Force per unit area. When working with curved boundaries or local coordinate systems, use this option carefully, as the result is not always intuitive.
For Pressure, a scalar input is given, and the orientation of the load is along the direction of the shell boundary normal. The sign convention is such that for a positive value of the pressure, the load acts toward the shell, when considered as a solid object. Thus, the orientation of the load is flipped if it is moved from the top side to the bottom side
Table 6-46: Load types.
After selecting a Load type, the Load list normally only contains User defined. When combining with another physics interface, it is also possible to choose a predefined load from this list.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Layered Shell selected: