This subfeature is available only when Drude-Lorentz Dispersion Model is selected as the
Electric displacement field model in the
Wave Equation, Electric feature node. Then the subnodes are made available from the context menu (right-click the parent node) as well as from the
Physics toolbar,
Attributes menu.
Each Drude-Lorentz Polarization subnode adds another polarization term
Pn to the electric displacement field
D, defined by
Here Γn is a damping coefficient,
ωn is a resonance frequency,
fn is an oscillator strength, and
ωp is the plasma frequency.
Enter values or expressions for the Oscillator strength fn (SI unit: 1), the
Resonance frequency ωn (SI unit: rad/s), and the
Damping in time coefficient
Γn (SI unit: rad/s).
To display this section, click the Show More Options button (

) and select
Discretization from the
Show More Options dialog box. Select the element order from the list box for the Drude-Lorentz polarization