Edge Current
The Edge Current node specifies an electric line current along one or more edges.
Edge Current
For the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface, enter an Edge current I0 (SI unit: A).
For the Electromagnetic Waves, Transient interface, select Edge Current Type from User defined, Electrostatic discharge, or Lightning. Enter pulse model parameter values and click the Plot Pulse Shape button to inspect the edge current pulse instantly as a function of time before running a simulation.
User Defined
Enter an Edge current I0 (SI unit: A).
Electrostatic Discharge
Select Electrostatic Discharge Pulse Model from Human body model, Extended human body model, Machine model, or Charged device model. Enter the values for the model parameters. Specify the expression for the Parameterized path (SI unit: m) and the Pulse velocity (SI unit: m/s). The default is set to the built-in variable s1 and built-in constant c_const. The expression for the Parameterized path should parameterize the edge where the Edge Current is applied.
Enter the values for the model parameters. Specify the expression for the Parameterized path (SI unit: m) and the Pulse velocity (SI unit: m/s). The default is set to the built-in variables s1 and built-in constant c_const.