Jones Vector Variables
This module automatically generates variables for the Jones vector elements. As for Polarization Plots, the variables are created for Periodic ports in 3D and in 2D, if the Electric field components for setting in the Components section for the physics interface is set to Three-component vector. The variables are available for postprocessing as global variables, with names based on what port boundary the variable is applicable for, the polarization direction, and the mode number. The context above is encoded in a variable name of the form tag.JXYYY_Z, where
tag is the physics interface tag, for example emw.
X is R if the port is located on the same side as the exciting port or otherwise T.
YYY is OOP or IP for the out-of-plane and in-plane modes, respectively.
Z is the mode number that in 2D is provided as a single signed integer and in 3D as two signed integers separated by an underscore. The signed integers use the prefix p for positive values and n for negative values.
Thus, the variable emw.JROOP_0_n1 represents the Jones vector element for the out-of-plane mode in 3D with mode numbers m = 0 and n = -1 for a port located on the same boundary as the exciting Periodic port.
There are also variables for the norm of the Jones vector, named as tag.normJX_Z, where X and Z represents the boundary location and mode number, respectively. Thus, the variable emw.normJR_0_n1 represents the Jones vector norm in 3D with mode numbers m = 0 and n = -1 for a port located on the same boundary as the exciting Periodic port.
The base vectors are available for evaluation on the port boundaries, with variable names like tag.eJXYYY[xyz]_Z, where tag, X, YYY, and Z have the same meanings as for the variables discussed above and [xyz] is one of the Cartesian components. Thus, emw.eJTIPx_p1, is the x-component of the in-plane base vector for a 2D port, with mode number m = +1, that is not located on the same boundary as the exciting port.