Fracture Material
This node defines the porosity and material properties of the solid matrix of the Fracture parent node.
Model Input
This section contains fields and values that are inputs for expressions defining material properties. If such user-defined property groups are added, the model inputs appear here.
Barrier Properties
This section appears if the Thin conducting barrier option for the Fracture model is chosen in the parent Fracture feature.
Enter the values for the barrier thickness db and permeability κb.
Note that the Thin Conductive barrier option is only available for the Fracture feature within the Darcy’s Law interface.
Fracture Material Properties
If the Thin conducting barrier option for the Fracture model is chosen in the parent Fracture feature you can specify the Conductive layer position here. Choose between Both sides, Upside, and Downside. A sketch above shows the position of conductive layers and barrier within the fracture.
The Porosity εp of the fracture material is taken From material by default. Select User defined to enter a value or expression for εp.
If required by a Storage model in the parent node, specify the Effective compressibility of the porous matrix. The default value is .
Select a Permeability model to specify the capacity of the fracture material to transmit flow. Which options are available depends on the Flow model setting in the parent node.
Select Permeability (default) to define the permeability of the fracture material.
Select Hydraulic conductivity or define a combination of fluid permeability and dynamic viscosity. For Hydraulic conductivity K (SI unit: m/s) select Isotropic to define a scalar value or Diagonal or Symmetric to define a tensor value. The default is 2.94·104 m/s.
Select Cubic law to define the permeability from the fracture thickness specified in the parent node and the roughness factor ff.
If the Non-Darcian Flow Model is selected in the parent Fracture feature enter a value for the Inertial resistance coefficient β.
About Darcian and Non-Darcian Flow in the Porous Media Flow Module User’s Guide
Permeability Models in the Porous Media Flow Module User’s Guide