Curing Kinetics
The Curing Kinetics node defines equation to analyze the evolution of the conversion degree during curing reactions. Define the rate expressions as required.
To specify the velocity field, select the source of the Velocity field. For User defined, enter values or expressions for the velocity components in the input fields. This input option is always available. You can also select the velocity field solved for by a Fluid Flow interface added to the model component. These physics interfaces are available for selection in the Velocity field list.
Curing Kinetics
Use this section to specify the curing reaction rate expression.
Kinetic model
The following kinetic models are available: n-th order, Sestak–Berggren, and Kamal—Sourour.
The following parameters are required for the n-th order model:
Polynomial order nr. The default is 1.
Frequency factor k0.The default is 1 1/s.
Activation energy Q0. The default is 0 J/mol.
The following parameters are required for the Sestak–Berggren model:
Polynomial order nr. The default is 1.
Polynomial order mr. The default is 0.
Frequency factor k0.The default is 1 1/s.
Activation energy Q0. The default is 0 J/mol.
The following parameters are required for the Kamal–Sourour model:
Polynomial order nr. The default is 1.
Polynomial order mr. The default is 0.
Frequency factor k01. The default is 1 1/s.
Activation energy Q01. The default is 0 J/mol.
Frequency factor k02. The default is 1 1/s.
Activation energy Q02. The default is 0 J/mol.
Reaction rate limiter
A diffusion factor fd is introduced to account for the reaction rate decrease as the conversion reaches the critical value. Select a Reaction rate limiter model: None, Diffusion factor, and Modified diffusion factor.
For Diffusion factor enter values for these properties:
Critical conversion . The default is 1.
Diffusion constant Cd. The default is 500.
For Modified diffusion factor enter values for these properties:
Conversion limiter . The default is 1.
Diffusion constant Cf. The default is 0.
Volume Fraction
Use this section to specify the Volume fraction of the cured fluid, Vf. The default is 1.