The Slip condition assumes that there are no viscous effects at the slip wall and hence, no boundary layer develops. From a modeling point of view, this is a reasonable approximation if the important effect of the wall is to prevent fluid from leaving the domain. Mathematically, the constraint can be formulated as:
For a moving wall with translational velocity utr,
u in the above equations is replaced by the relative velocity
urel = u−utr.
The Porous slip option, which can be chosen in the
Porous treatment of no slip condition list when
Enable porous media domains is activated, results in a special treatment of
Wall boundaries and
Interior Wall boundaries adjacent to porous domains (
Porous Medium feature). Namely, similar to the
Navier slip boundary condition, no penetration and tangential stress conditions are applied at the wall:
The normalization makes u have the same magnitude as
uw even if
uw is not exactly parallel to the wall.
and K is the viscous stress tensor.
β is a slip length, and

is the velocity tangential to the wall. The boundary condition does not set the tangential velocity component to zero; however, the extrapolated tangential velocity component is 0 at a distance
β outside the wall.
The Slip Length setting is per default set to
Factor of minimum element length. The slip length
β is then defined as

, where

is the smallest element side (corresponds to the element size in the wall normal direction for boundary layer elements) and

is a user input.
In cases where the wall movement is nonzero, Account for the translational wall velocity in the friction force may be selected to use

instead of

in the friction force. Then, the extrapolated tangential velocity component is

at a distance
β outside of the wall. Note that the
Velocity of sliding wall uw is always accounted for in the friction force.
and K is the viscous stress tensor.
τref is a reference value used for scaling and dimensionalization and

is the velocity tangential to the wall. The Nonlinear Navier Slip boundary condition is suitable for walls adjacent to a fluid-fluid interface or a free surface when solving for laminar flow. For further information, see the
Navier Slip condition.
and K is the viscous stress tensor.
k1 (SI unit: m/s) and
k2 (SI unit: 1/Pa) are the slip-velocity and compliance coefficients. Due to the exponential behavior in the slip velocity, the parameters
k1 and
k2 need to be chosen carefully to avoid divergence of the numerical iterations. It is often advisable to start with the linear Navier slip model to get an estimate of the magnitude of the tangential stress.
In cases where the wall movement is nonzero, Account for the translational wall velocity in the friction force may be selected to set the slip velocity relative to the boundary velocity

. Note that the
Velocity of sliding wall uw is always accounted for in the boundary velocity.
and K is the viscous stress tensor.
k1 (SI unit: m/s) and
k2 (SI unit: 1/Pa) are the slip-velocity and compliance coefficients, while

is the velocity tangential to the wall.