Nonresonant Charge Exchange
The Nonresonant Charge Exchange subnode is available from the context menu (right-click the Collisions parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. The Nonresonant Charge Exchange subnode causes particles to undergo charge exchange reactions with a background gas. Unlike the Resonant Charge Exchange node, it is possible for the particle that undergoes the collision and the ionized and neutralized particles that result from it to be three different species. The ionized particle, neutralized particle, or both ionized and neutralized particles can be released.
See Elastic for information about the Collision Statistics and New Value of Auxiliary Dependent Variables sections.
Collision Frequency
These settings are the same as for the Elastic subnode with additional options to enter a value for the Energy loss ΔE (SI unit: J), enter a value for the Scattering angle in the center of mass system χ (SI unit: rad), and to select one of the following from the Species to release list: Ion (the default), Neutral particle, or Ion and neutral particle.
Neutral Properties
This section is available when Neutral particle or Ion and neutral particle is selected from the Species to release list. Select an option from the Neutral properties list, which may be any Particle Properties node that has been added to the physics interface.
Ion Properties
This section is available when Ion or Ion and neutral particle is selected from the Species to release list. Select an option from the Ion properties list, which may be any Particle Properties node that has been added to the physics interface.
Initial Value of Auxiliary Dependent Variables
For each auxiliary dependent variable that is defined in the model, enter the initial value of the auxiliary dependent variable for the released neutral particle. The default value is 0.