Pacemaker Electrode
This example illustrates the use of COMSOL Multiphysics for modeling of ionic current distribution problems in electrolytes, in this case in human tissue. The problem is exemplified on a pacemaker electrode, but it can be applied in electrochemical cells like fuel cells, batteries, corrosion protection, or any other process where ionic conduction takes place in the absence of concentration gradients.
The modeled device is a pacemaker electrode that is placed inside the heart and helps the patient’s heart to keep a normal rhythm. The device is referred to as an electrode, but it actually consists of two electrodes: a cathode and an anode.
Figure 1 shows a schematic drawing of two pair of electrodes placed inside the heart. The electrodes are supplied with current from the pulse generator unit, which is also implanted in the patient.
Figure 1: Schematic drawing of the heart with two pairs of pacemaker electrodes.
This example deals with the current and potential distribution around one pair of electrodes.
Model Definition
The model domain consists of the blood and tissue surrounding the electrode pair. The actual electrodes and the electrode support are boundaries to the modeled domain. Figure 2 shows the electrode in a darker shade, while the surrounding modeling domain is shown in a lighter shade.
Figure 2: Modeling domain and boundaries.
The working electrode consists of a hemisphere placed on the tip of the supporting cylindrical structure. The counter electrode is placed in the “waist” of this structure. All other surfaces of the supporting structure are insulated. The outer boundaries are placed far enough from the electrode to give a small impact on the current and potential distribution.
In COMSOL Multiphysics, use the Electric Currents interface for the analysis of the electrode. This physics interface is useful for modeling conductive materials where a current flows due to an applied electric field.
Domain Equations
The current in the domain is controlled by the continuity equation, which follows from Maxwell’s equations:
where σ is the conductivity of the human tissue. This equation uses the following relations between the electric potential and the fields.
Boundary Conditions
Ground potential boundary conditions are applied on the thinner waist of the electrode. The tip of the electrode has a fixed potential of 1 V. All other boundaries are electrically insulated.
Results and Discussion
This simulation gives the potential distribution on the electrode surface and streamlines of the current distribution inside the human heart; see Figure 3.
Figure 3: The plot shows the electrostatic potential distributed on the surface of the electrode. The total current density is shown as streamlines.
As expected, the current density is highest at the small hemisphere, which is the one that causes the excitation of the heart. The current density is fairly uniform on the working electrode. The counter electrode is larger and there are also larger variations in current density on its surface. Mainly, the current is lower with increasing distance from the working electrode. The model shows that the anchoring arms of the device have little influence on the current density distribution.
Application Library path: COMSOL_Multiphysics/Electromagnetics/pacemaker_electrode
Modeling Instructions
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New window, click  Model Wizard.
Model Wizard
In the Model Wizard window, click  3D.
In the Select Physics tree, select AC/DC>Electric Fields and Currents>Electric Currents (ec).
Click Add.
Click  Study.
In the Select Study tree, select General Studies>Stationary.
Geometry 1
Insert the geometry sequence from the pacemaker_electrode_geom_sequence.mph file.
In the Geometry toolbar, click Insert Sequence and choose Insert Sequence.
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Build All.
Next, define the volume surrounding the electrode. The simulation only takes place in this volume, where the boundaries of the electrode influence the result.
Cylinder 1 (cyl1)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Cylinder.
In the Settings window for Cylinder, locate the Size and Shape section.
In the Radius text field, type 10[mm].
In the Height text field, type 40[mm].
Locate the Position section. In the z text field, type -20[mm].
Difference 1 (dif1)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Booleans and Partitions and choose Difference.
In the Settings window for Difference, locate the Difference section.
From the Objects to subtract list, choose Electrode.
Form Union (fin)
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Build All.
Next, define a selection corresponding to the grounded electrode for later use.
Geometry 1
Counter Electrode
In the Geometry toolbar, click  Selections and choose Explicit Selection.
In the Settings window for Explicit Selection, locate the Entities to Select section.
From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
Select the Group by continuous tangent check box.
Click the  Wireframe Rendering button in the Graphics toolbar.
On the object fin, select Boundaries 29, 30, 58, and 63 only.
In the Label text field, type Counter Electrode.
Click the  Wireframe Rendering button in the Graphics toolbar to restore the default rendering state.
A convenient way to find out which material parameters you need to specify is to add a material. COMSOL Multiphysics then indicates any missing parameters for the physics interfaces you have added to the model.
Heart Tissue
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Materials and choose Blank Material.
By default, the first material you add applies to all domains, so you do not need to modify the geometric scope.
The electrode is inserted into the human heart, so you must specify the conductivity for the heart tissue.
In the Settings window for Material, locate the Material Contents section.
In the Label text field, type Heart Tissue.
Electric Currents (ec)
The only physics settings that remain to specify are the electrode potentials.
Ground 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Electric Currents (ec) and choose Ground.
In the Settings window for Ground, locate the Boundary Selection section.
From the Selection list, choose Counter Electrode.
Electric Potential 1
In the Physics toolbar, click  Boundaries and choose Electric Potential.
In the Settings window for Electric Potential, locate the Boundary Selection section.
From the Selection list, choose Spherical Electrode.
Locate the Electric Potential section. In the V0 text field, type 1.
Mesh 1
Use the default physics-controlled mesh.
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Mesh 1 and choose Build All.
Study 1
Use the default settings for the stationary solver, which gives the conjugate gradients iterative solver with algebraic multigrid as the preconditioner.
In the Home toolbar, click  Compute.
Electric Potential (ec)
The default plot shows the slices of the electrical potential. To reproduce the plot shown in Figure 3, start by hiding the outer boundaries.
Electric Currents (ec)
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Electric Currents (ec).
Click the  Click and Hide button in the Graphics toolbar.
In the Graphics window toolbar, clicknext to  Select Domains, then choose Select Boundaries.
Click the  Click and Hide button in the Graphics toolbar.
3D Plot Group 3
In the Home toolbar, click  Add Plot Group and choose 3D Plot Group.
In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group, locate the Plot Settings section.
Clear the Plot dataset edges check box.
Surface 1
Right-click 3D Plot Group 3 and choose Surface.
In the 3D Plot Group 3 toolbar, click  Plot.
3D Plot Group 3
Combine the surface plot of the potential with streamlines visualizing the total current density.
Streamline 1
In the Model Builder window, right-click 3D Plot Group 3 and choose Streamline.
In the Settings window for Streamline, locate the Selection section.
From the Selection list, choose All boundaries.
Locate the Streamline Positioning section. From the Positioning list, choose Starting-point controlled.
Locate the Coloring and Style section. Find the Line style subsection. From the Type list, choose Tube.
In the Tube radius expression text field, type min(ec.normJ/0.1[mA/mm^2],1)*0.2[mm]. ec.normJ is the variable for the current density norm. This expression states that tubes are 0.2[mm] wide in the points having 0.1[mA/mm^2]. The "min" function saturates the increase of the tube radius where current density approaches 0.1[mA/mm^2].
To get suitably thick streamlines you need to adjust the scale factor.
Select the Radius scale factor check box.
In the 3D Plot Group 3 toolbar, click  Plot.
Color Expression 1
Right-click Streamline 1 and choose Color Expression.
Use the default expression. Because it is the same as the surface expression, you can disable the color legend:
In the Settings window for Color Expression, locate the Coloring and Style section.
Clear the Color legend check box.
After proper rotation and zoom operations, you should see something similar to the plot in Figure 3.