Metallurgical Phase
The Metallurgical Phase node defines a phase. Depending on the settings at the physics interface level and the space dimension where the physics interface is used, the phase node will contain different sections, see Table 4-2.
Model Input
Provide the Volume reference temperature Tref for the phase. This is the temperature at which the thermal strain is zero for the phase.
Initial Phase Fraction
Define the Initial phase fraction for the phase. This fraction should be a value between zero and one, and you have to ensure that the initial phase fractions for all the phases in your analysis sum to one.
The initial fractions for the metallurgical phases are named metp.phase1.xi0, metp.phase2.xi0, and so on.
Transformation Times
If you select Compute transformation times, you can store the times and temperatures during an analysis, corresponding to reaching specified target phase fractions. Enter a list of Target phase fractions in the table. Whether transformation times and temperatures are recorded depends on if the phase fraction is increasing or decreasing during the analysis. Select Decreasing phase fraction if the phase fraction is expected to reach the specified target values when it is decreasing. With Compute transformation times selected, and in the case a phase fraction is increasing over time, you can select Compute time to completion. Enter the Completion rate, that is, a rate of phase formation low enough that the formation of the phase can be considered complete.
If the second Target phase fraction in the table is reached for a Metallurgical Phase (phase4) in an Austenite Decomposition interface (audc), the corresponding transformation time and temperature will be audc.phase4.time_2 and audc.phase4.temperature_2.
Phase Material
From the Phase material list, you select the material that defines the material properties for the phase. This section is visible only if at least one of the Compute effective thermal properties or the Compute effective mechanical properties check boxes has been selected at the physics interface level. You can create a material at the component level by using Create Phase Material. When you define material properties for the phase, From material will refer to the material that you have selected from the Phase material list.
A phase material that is generated from a Metallurgical Phase (phase2) in an Austenite Decomposition interface (audc) will be given the tag audcphase2mat.
Heat Transfer Properties
If the Compute effective thermal properties has been selected at the physics interface level, you must define the thermal properties for the phase. The default Thermal conductivity k, Density ρ, and Heat Capacity at constant pressure Cp, use values From material. The From material option refers to the selected material from the Phase Material list. For User defined, enter values or expressions for these properties.
Electromagnetic Properties
If the Compute effective electromagnetic properties has been selected at the physics interface level, you must define electromagnetic properties for the phase. The default Relative permeability μr, Electrical conductivity σ, and Relative permittivity εr, use values From material. The From material option refers to the selected material from the Phase Material list. For User defined, enter values or expressions for these properties.
Mechanical Properties
If the Compute effective mechanical properties has been selected at the physics interface level, you must define mechanical properties for the phase. The default Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν use values From material. For User defined, enter values or expressions for these properties.
If Enable thermal strains has been selected at the physics interface level, you have to define the Secant coefficient of thermal expansion α for the phase. By default, the value is taken From material. For User defined, enter a value or expression.
If Enable phase plasticity has been selected at the physics interface level, you have to define the plastic behavior of the phase. The default Initial yield stress σys0 uses a value From material. For User defined, enter another value or expression for initial yield stress. Initial yield stresses for phases can be weighted differently. This is useful when initial yield stresses for the phases in the model are very different. Select a Weight factor for yield stressLinear, Geijselaers, or User defined. If Geijselaers is selected, you also need to specify a Soft phase, which is considered plastically soft in comparison to this phase. You should typically use this to give a stronger weight to martensite (hard) in relation to austenite (soft).
Select the Isotropic hardening modelPerfectly plastic, Linear, or User defined to define the hardening behavior of the phase.
Specify the Isotropic hardening modulus ETiso. The default value is taken From material.
User defined
For User defined, enter another value or expression for the modulus. If a User defined isotropic hardening modulus is selected, you have to select the Hardening function. By default, the value is taken From material.
For User defined, enter a value or expression for the hardening function. The expression can depend, for example, on the equivalent plastic strain in the phase.
In a phase (phase4) of an Austenite Decomposition interface (audc), the equivalent plastic strain is audc.phase4.epe.