MEMS Devices: Physics and Applications
The smaller size of MEMS devices has important effects on the physical processes that govern their operation. The MEMS physics interfaces allow the simulation of the important physical effects that dominate at the microscale.
In general, as the length scale (L) of the device is reduced, the scaling of a physical effect with respect to L determines its relative importance. The inertial force required to produce a fixed acceleration of a solid body scales volumetrically as L3. The scaling of other forces in comparison to this inertial force has important consequences for MEMS devices. For example, the effective spring constant for a body scales as L1. The spring stiffness therefore decreases much more slowly than the system mass as the size of the system is reduced, resulting in higher resonant frequencies for smaller devices (resonant frequency scales as L1). This means that micromechanical systems typically have higher operating frequencies and faster response times than macroscopic systems.
Electrostatic forces scale favorably as the device dimensions are reduced (for example, the force between parallel plates with a fixed applied voltage scales as L0). Additionally, electrostatic actuators consume no DC power and can be manufactured using processes that are compatible with standard semiconductor foundries. Many MEMS devices utilize electrostatic actuation for this reason.
The following image shows the mode shape for an electrostatically actuated MEMS resonator, which is operated with an applied DC bias. The graph shows that the resonant frequency decreases as the applied potential increases; this is due to the softening of the coupled electromechanical system. The small size of the device results in a MHz resonant frequency even for a simple flexural mode. In addition the favorable scaling of the electromagnetic forces enables efficient capacitive actuation that would not be possible on the macroscale.
Piezoelectric forces also scale well as the device dimension is reduced (the force produced by a constant applied voltage scales as L1). Furthermore, piezoelectric sensors and actuators are predominantly linear and do not consume DC power in operation. Piezoelectrics are more difficult to integrate with standard semiconductor processes, but significant progress has been made with commercial successes in the market (for example, FBAR filters). Quartz frequency references can be considered the highest volume MEMS component currently in production with more than 1 billion (1·109) devices manufactured per year. Although not traditionally considered to be within the MEMS umbrella (the quartz industry long predates the coining of the term), many of these devices have mm to sub-mm dimensions and are lithographically defined. Furthermore, some quartz products are now being branded as MEMS devices.
The following figure shows the mechanical response of a thickness shear quartz oscillator, together with a graph showing the effect of a series capacitance (Cs) on the frequency response. A series capacitance is frequently used to tune or pull the resonance of quartz oscillators.
Thermal forces scale as L2, assuming that the forces are generated by a fixed temperature change. This scaling is still favorable in comparison to inertial forces, and the thermal time scale also scales well (as L2), making thermal actuators faster on the microscale (although thermal actuators are typically slower than capacitive or piezoelectric actuators). Thermal actuators are also easy to integrate with semiconductor processes although they usually consume large amounts of power and thus have had a limited commercial applicability. Thermal effects play an important role in the manufacture of many commercial MEMS technologies with thermal stresses in deposited thin films being critical for many applications. The following figure shows the temperature within a displaced, Joule-heated actuator.
Fluidic MEMS devices, or microfluidic devices, represent an increasingly important area of MEMS. COMSOL provides a separate Microfluidics Module to specifically address these applications. Nonetheless, the MEMS Module includes significant microfluidic functionality for simulating the interaction of MEMS structures with fluids. One area of significant interest is that of thin-film damping. Damping forces scale as L1 and are often important for MEMS devices, frequently leading to a requirement for vacuum packaging. The figure below shows the pressure on the surface of a simple accelerometer. This pressure results from the compression of the thin layer of rarefied gas between the accelerometer and the package (the package is not shown in the figure).
The preceding discussion has focused on the forces available for driving actuators, but scaling is also important for the operation of sensors. Piezoresistive sensors typically produce an output proportional to stress, which for a fixed strain scales independently of device dimension (as L0). The piezoresistive effect refers to the change in a material’s conductivity that occurs in response to an applied stress. The ease of integration of small piezoresistors with standard semiconductor processes, along with the reasonably linear response of the sensor, has made this technology particularly important in the pressure sensor industry. The following figure shows the current distribution and the induced voltage in a piezoresistor that senses the deflection of a pressure sensor.
The MEMS Module Physics Interface Guide
The MEMS physics interfaces are used to simulate MEMS devices. Each physics interface expresses the relevant physical phenomena in the form of sets of partial or ordinary differential equations, together with appropriate boundary and initial conditions. Each feature added to the physics interface represents a term or condition in the underlying equation set. These features are usually associated with a geometric entity within the model, such as a domain, boundary, edge (for 3D components), or point. Figure 1 uses the Micromirror model (found in the MEMS Module application library) to show the Model Builder and the Settings window for the selected Linear Elastic Material 1 feature node. This node adds the equations of structural mechanics to the simulation within the domains selected. Under the Linear Elastic Material section several settings indicate that the Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density are inherited from the material properties assigned to the domain. The material properties can be set up as functions of other dependent variables in the model, such as temperature. The Free and Fixed boundary conditions are also indicated in the model tree. The Free boundary condition is applied by default to all surfaces in the model and allows free motion of the surface. The Fixed boundary condition is used to constrain surfaces that are held in place, for example, by attachment to the wafer handle.
Figure 1: The Model Builder (to the left), and the Settings window for Linear Elastic Material 1 for the selected feature node (to the right). The Equation section in the Settings window shows the model equations. The terms added to the equation system by the feature are underlined with a dotted line. Note that geometric nonlinearity has been disabled in the solver settings to make the equation form simpler.
The MEMS Module includes a number of physics interfaces to enable modeling of different physical situations encountered in microsystem design. When a new model is started, these physics interfaces are selected from the Model Wizard. Figure 2 shows the Model Wizard with the physics interfaces included with the MEMS Module. Since MEMS is a multidisciplinary industry, the physics interfaces are spread over a number of different areas within COMSOL’s supported physics types and correspondingly appear on several branches of the Model Wizard. Also see Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Preset Study Type. Below, a brief overview of each of the MEMS Module physics interfaces is given.
Figure 2: The MEMS Module physics interfaces as displayed in the Model Wizard. Note that this is for 3D components.
The Electrostatics interface (), found under the AC/DC branch in the Model Wizard, solves for the electric potential given the charge distribution in the domain and the voltages applied to boundaries. It is used to model electrostatic devices under static or quasistatic conditions, that is, at frequencies sufficiently low that wave propagation effects can be neglected. A typical application for this physics interface would be computing the low-frequency capacitance of an unbiased MEMS device.
Electric Currents
The Electric Currents interface (), found under the AC/DC branch in the Model Wizard, is used to model DC, AC, and transient electric current flow in conductive and capacitive media. The physics interface solves a current conservation equation for the electric potential. This physics interface could be used to compute the current distribution in interconnect layers.
Electrical Circuit
The Electrical Circuit interface (), found under the AC/DC branch in the Model Wizard, has the equations to model electrical circuits with or without connections to a distributed fields model. The physics interface solves for the voltages, currents, and charges associated with the circuit elements. Circuit models can contain passive elements like resistors, capacitors, and inductors as well as active elements such as diodes and transistors. Circuits can be imported from an existing SPICE net list. A typical application of this physics interface would be in evaluating the effect of a series capacitor on a quartz crystal oscillator.
The Electromechanics predefined multiphysics interface (), found under the Structural Mechanics branch in the Model Wizard, combines the Electrostatics and Solid Mechanics physics interfaces with the Electromechanical Forces multiphysics coupling and the Moving Mesh multiphysics definition to solve the structural equations together with the equations of electrostatics. Electrical forces are added to structures within the model, and isotropic electrostriction can also be included if desired. This multiphysics interface should be used for the modeling of electrostatically actuated MEMS devices, as well as for capacitance-based sensors which detect structural deformation.
Electromechanics, Boundary Elements
The Electromechanics predefined multiphysics interface (), found under the Structural Mechanics branch in the Model Wizard, combines the Electrostatics, Boundary Elements and Solid Mechanics physics interfaces with the Electromechanical Forces multiphysics coupling. The interface is the same as Electromechanics, except that the boundary element method is used for the electrostatics part of the problem. Moving Mesh is not required when using this approach.
Fluid-Structure Interaction
The Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) interface (), found under the Fluid Flow branch in the Model Wizard, combines fluid flow with solid mechanics to capture the interactions between fluids and solid structures. A Solid Mechanics interface and a Single-Phase Flow interface model the solid and the fluid, respectively. The flow can be either laminar or turbulent (turbulent flow requires the CFD Module, which also allows Two-Phase and Three-Phase Flow interfaces to be coupled to solid mechanics). The FSI couplings appear on the boundaries between the fluid and the solid. The Fluid-Structure Interaction interface uses an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method to combine the fluid flow formulated using an Eulerian description and a spatial frame with solid mechanics formulated using a Lagrangian description and a material (reference) frame.
Joule Heating and Thermal Expansion
The Joule Heating and Thermal Expansion interface () combines thermal, electric, and structural multiphysics effects. The predefined coupling adds the electromagnetic losses from the electric field as a heat source. Choosing this option from the Model Wizard adds the Solid Mechanics (), Electric Currents () and Heat Transfer in Solids () interfaces to the model, along with the appropriate couplings for Joule Heating (found under the Multiphysics Branch of the Model Builder ()). The multiphysics interface describes the conduction of electric current in a structure, the subsequent electric heating caused by the ohmic losses in the structure, and the thermal stresses induced by the temperature field. Typical applications include thermal actuators.
The Piezoelectricity interface (), found under the Structural Mechanics branch in the Model Wizard, is used when piezoelectric materials are present in a model. The piezoelectric coupling can be specified in stress-charge or strain-charge form. Choosing this option from the Model Wizard adds the Solid Mechanics and the Electrostatics interfaces to the model. A Piezoelectric Material is added by default to all domains in the Solid Mechanics interface and a Charge Conservation, Piezoelectric node is added to the same domains in the Electrostatics interface. These two nodes are coupled by the Piezoelectric Effect multiphysics coupling feature (found under the Multiphysics Branch of the Model Builder).
The Piezoresistivity interfaces (), found under the Structural Mechanics branch in the Model Wizard, combine the Solid Mechanics interface (or the Shell interface) with the Electric Currents interface (or the Electric Currents, Single Layer Shell interface) and adds the constitutive relations for piezoresistive materials. Piezoresistive materials can be modeled together with structural and conducting materials. Applications include modeling piezoresistive pressure sensors.
The Pyroelectricity multiphysics interface () combines the Electrostatics and the Heat Transfer physics interfaces with the Pyroelectricity multiphysics coupling. Found under the AC/DC branch in the Model Wizard, the Pyroelectricity interface is used to simulate the electric polarization in solid dielectrics resulting from the variations of temperature.
Piezoelectricity and Pyroelectricity
The Piezoelectricity and Pyroelectricity multiphysics interface () combines the Electrostatics, the Heat Transfer, and the Solid Mechanics physics interfaces with the Piezoelectric Effect, the Thermal Expansion, and the Pyroelectricity multiphysics couplings. Found under the Structural Mechanics branch in the Model Wizard, the Piezoelectricity and Pyroelectricity interface is used to simulate the electric polarization in piezoelectric material resulting from the variations of temperature.
Solid Mechanics
The Solid Mechanics interface () defines the quantities and features for stress analysis and general linear and nonlinear solid mechanics, solving for the displacements. The Linear Elastic Material node is the default material model. In addition, the elastic material model can be extended with thermal expansion, viscoelasticity, damping, and initial stress and strain features. The description of elastic materials in the module includes isotropic, orthotropic, and fully anisotropic materials. A number of preset study types are available—see the list in Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Preset Study Type.
Thin-Film Flow
The Thin-Film Flow () interfaces model the flow of liquids or gases confined in a thin layer on a surface. Using equations defined on the surface, these physics interfaces compute the average velocity and pressure in narrow planar structures. In MEMS applications, these physics interfaces are typically used to model thin film damping.
Thermal Stress
The Thermal Stress interface () combines thermal and structural multiphysics effects. The predefined coupling adds the thermal expansion that results from a heat transfer problem to a structure. Choosing this option from the Model Wizard adds the Solid Mechanics () and Heat Transfer in Solids () interfaces to the model as well as features which couple the structural expansion to the temperature distribution in the solid (these features are found under the Multiphysics Branch of the Model Builder ()). A typical application might be to model the deformation of a device caused by a thermal gradient.
The Thermoelasticity predefined multiphysics interface () combines the Solid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in Solids physics interfaces with the Thermal Expansion multiphysics coupling to solve for the displacement of the structure and the temperature deviations and the resulting heat transfer induced by the thermoelastic coupling. Thermoelasticity is an important contribution to the damping of high quality factor MEMS resonators.
Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Preset Study Type
The table below list the physics interfaces available specifically with this module in addition to the COMSOL Multiphysics basic license.
stationary; stationary source sweep; frequency domain; time dependent; small signal analysis, frequency domain; eigenfrequency
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent; eigenfrequency
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent; eigenfrequency
stationary; frequency domain; time dependent; frequency domain; eigenfrequency
stationary; time dependent; stationary source sweep; eigenfrequency; frequency domain; small signal analysis, frequency domain
Elastic Waves
Fluid Flow
Single-Phase Flow
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Thin-Film Flow
Electromagnetic Heating
stationary; time dependent; small-signal analysis; frequency domain
Structural Mechanics
stationary; eigenfrequency; eigenfrequency, prestressed; mode analysis; time dependent; time dependent, modal; time dependent, modal reduced-order model; frequency domain; frequency domain, modal; frequency domain, prestressed; frequency domain, prestressed, modal; frequency domain, modal reduced-order model; frequency domain, AWE reduced-order model; response spectrum; random vibration (PSD); linear buckling
stationary; eigenfrequency; time dependent; time dependent, modal; time dependent, modal reduced-order model; frequency domain; frequency domain, modal; frequency domain, modal reduced-order model; time dependent; response spectrum; random vibration (PSD)
1 This physics interface is included with the core COMSOL package but has added functionality for this module.
2 This physics interface is a predefined multiphysics coupling that automatically adds all the physics interfaces and coupling features required.
3 Requires the addition of the AC/DC Module.
4 Requires the addition of the Structural Mechanics Module.
5 Requires the addition of the Composite Materials Module.
6 Requires the addition of the CFD Module, or the Polymer Flow Module or the Microfluidics Module.
7 Requires the addition of the Polymer Flow Module.