Flexible Foundation
The Flexible Foundation node is added automatically when you set Foundation properties to Flexible on the parent Radial Roller Bearing node. In this node, you describe the flexibility of the foundation on which the bearing is mounted.
Foundation Properties
Enter the values of the translational and rotational stiffness ku and kθ of the foundation. Select the Translational-rotational coupling check box to also incorporate the effect of coupled stiffness between the translational and rotational motion of the foundation. If selected, enter the values of the coupling stiffnesses, kuθ and kθu.
If you want to perform a dynamic analysis, you can optionally also enter the values of the translational and rotational damping, cu and cθ, of the foundation. Select the Translational-rotational coupling check box to also incorporate the effect of coupled damping constants between the translational and angular velocity of the foundation. If selected, enter the values of the coupling damping constants cuθ and cθu.
Location in User Interface
This node is automatically added when Foundation Properties is Flexible in the parent bearing node. It cannot be added or removed manually.