Friction (Gear)
The Friction subnode is automatically added to a Gear Pair, Worm and Wheel, or Rack and Pinion node when Include friction is selected under Gear Properties. Use this node to model friction losses on a gear pair.
Enter a Friction coefficient μ.
Enter a Characteristic slip velocity v0. The default is mbd.diag*(1e-3[1/s]), where the mbd.diag variable contains the diagonal of the bounding box of the geometry. The characteristic slip velocity should be small when compared to the actual slip velocity at the contact point. It is the velocity with which the contact surfaces slide, even under sticking conditions.
Normal Force
Specify Normal force defined throughContact force or User defined force. For Contact force option, it is required that contact force is computed on the parent Gear Pair node.
For the User defined force option, enter Normal force N.
Enter values or expressions for the:
Maximum friction force Ff,max. The default is Inf, which means that no upper limit is imposed on the friction force.
Location in User Interface
This node is automatically added when Include friction is selected in the parent Gear Pair, Worm and Wheel, and Rack and Pinion nodes. It cannot be added or removed manually.