Turbulent Mixing
This subnode should be used to account for the turbulent mixing caused by the eddy diffusivity in moisture convection, for example when the specified velocity field corresponds to a RANS solution.
The Turbulent Mixing node adds the following contribution to the diffusion coefficient D of Equation 7-3 and Equation 7-4 of Moist Air (Moisture Transport Interface) node:
where νT is the turbulent kinematic viscosity (SI unit: m2/s) and ScT is the turbulent Schmidt number (dimensionless).
Turbulent Mixing Parameters
Enter a value or expression for the Turbulent kinematic viscosity νT and the Turbulent Schmidt number ScT. If a turbulent fluid flow interface is active, the Turbulent kinematic viscosity can be taken directly from this interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Moist Air selected in the model tree: