Liquid Water (Hygroscopic Porous Medium)
This subnode defines the properties for the transport of the liquid water phase in a porous medium filled with two phases in equilibrium: liquid water and moist air. The moisture transport occurs through vapor diffusion and convection in moist air, and convection and capillary flow in the liquid phase.
Liquid Water Properties
This section contains settings for the definition of convective transport of liquid water. See Hygroscopic Porous Medium for the definition of capillary transport.
Set the Relative liquid water permeability, κrl (dimensionless), that multiplies the porous medium permeability in the Darcy’s Law to account for the presence of the liquid phase.
The convective flux of liquid water is always computed with Darcy’s Law.
The liquid saturation, sl, is defined from the moisture storage function specified in the Hygroscopic Porous Medium parent node.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Hygroscopic Porous Medium selected in the model tree: